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Cultures 2: The Gates of Asgard 12.07.2002

Cultures 2: Cheatcodes (English)

Cheat Codes

Enter these codes in the game option menu during gameplay. Press [F2] and then type in the code. You will hear a sound if the code was entered correctly.

Code: Result:
FUNEXPLORE Show Entire Map
FUNCOLORS Toggle Display Colors
FUNLARRY Play Sounds Very Fast
FUNOUTTAKE Plays Outtakes
FUNMAPSMALL Unknown Effect
FUNMOREFUN Unknown Effect

Mission Codes

Unlock missions by typing one of the following codes at the campaign selection screen. You will hear a sound if the code was entered correctly. The level will also appear on the map.

Code: Result:
OHODIN Unlock Normandy Mission
ZANZARAH Unlock England Mission
AMY Unlock Italy Mission
HADSCHI Unlock Miklagard Mission
HABSPASS Unlock Warager Guard Mission
SVENKOMMT Unlock Battle for Byzantium Mission
GOTHICRULES Unlock Alexandria Mission
REGENGOTT Unlock Baghdad Mission
SCHATTENFEE Unlock Wingrid Wall Mission

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