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Quake 3 Arena 02.12.1999

Ruin Hunters (quake3 mod)

Players in Ruin Hunters do not have health. To "frag" or kill a player, you must knock them into a hazard, such as a pit. Each weapon in the game, does a different amount of knock back damage. There is however one weapon that can kill an opponent without knocking them into a hazard. The weapon is the Void book (purple) which can fire a blast that will instantly kill an oppenent, the book can also be used as an instant kill mine. These basic rules apply to all game modes.

Комментарии: 1
Ваш комментарий

Ruin Hunters - Я еще не видел а мне уже нравится...... Задумка класная и самое главное "свежая".