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Fallout 3 28.10.2008

Fallout 3 "jaynus Realism Overhaul"

Увеличивает повреждения от оружия и взрывчатки и не только. Патрон стало мало, навыки "Легкое оружие", "Тяжелое оружие", "Энергооружие" теперь влияют только на точность и еще много чего, на мой взгляд необходимого. Потому что глупо это когда с очереди в голову из калаша человек остаётся жив. Теперь выстрел в упор в голову без брони и человек мертв, баланса может и нет, но зато очень правдиво.

Damage & Weapons Overhaul
this esp overhauls just about all weapon damages, ranges and speeds. This is mainly done to make them
more balanced against eachother and to realism. Additionally falling damage, critical damage effects,
fall damage, etc. have also been modified. This can be considered a drastic, massive overhaul of the
combat system.

Big Booms
Overhauls all explosives damages and makes them much, MUCH more deadly. This includes base damage,
explosion radius, and radiation levels.

Chem & Food Realism
This overhauls just about all food and chem effects to make them A. more useful and B. more even.
Many of the changes made in this module are based off of the older Fallout games specs, as well as
overall "common sense" realism.

Level Balancing
Overhauls level progression and such. Thanks to XFO overhaul for the idea of limiting skill points.
This has been used but changed significantly. Now your level much slower and difficulty multipliers
have been REMOVED. All experience gains have been dropped by about 30-60%, depending on the activity.
The game should go much slower now, and not reward useless lock picking anymore.

Power Armor Overhaul
Currently, this only changes power armor to be weightless (and increase carrying capacity by
55 points) while wearing it. However, this will eventually develope into an overall
restructuring of the way power armor works. Sneaking in power armor has now been disabled.

Loot Overhaul - Chemicals
This overhaul is the beginnings of the restructuring of all the loot tables involving chemicals
and drugs. The overall eventual goal of this module will be to realistically distribute drugs
and medicine to more appropriate locations. Not all good civilians use psycho, which is a hard
core military drug; and not all raiders are going to have medical supplies available while they
are out in the wasteland hunting caravans.

Loot Overhaul - Ammo
Ammo is now much harder to find and rarer thoughout the wasteland. Stop throwing away your bullets.

Sneak Overhaul
This overhaul is going to be geared toward revamping sneak difficulty, multipliers, and run speed.
There are 2 types to this, Hardcore and normal, the differences as follows:
- Sneak Overhaul Hardcore
- Hides all sneak strings. You now dont know if your hidden or seen, listen for it
- Sneak Overhaul Normal
- Changes to Cuation string to [Hidden], and the "Danger" string to [Detected]. This is
like old oblivion sneaking, where you now only know if your spotted because they are
actively attacking you.

Radiation Overhaul
All Radiation has been increased. Your radiation level does not decrease over time, water is now more
radiated, and you accumulate radiation approx. 3x as fast.

SPECIAL Overhaul
This is a placeholder and to help save compat for the SPECIAL overhaul package which will be in the
next release.

Following is a breakdown of the different Modules and what they do. This takes us to actual technical
breakdown of the changes made.



Damage & Weapons Overhaul (No Explosives)

this esp overhauls just about all weapon damages, ranges and speeds. This is mainly done to make them
more balanced against eachother and to realism. Additionally falling damage, critical damage effects,
fall damage, etc. have also been modified.

Major Changes Made:
- All weapon damages increased drastically
- Skill does NOT effect weapon damage anymore, only your accuracy (70%, more than vanilla)
- Weapon conidition now only slightly effects accuracy, but it DOES effect damage more now
- Adjusted values for running/crouching/etc accuracy
- All rifle ranges increased accordingly. Scoped weapons have longer range than iron-sights
- All weapon volicities modified to the caliber and size of the weapon. e.g. the assault rifles
should have higher volicity than 10mm sub machinegun...duh.
- Critical leg damage actually stops you from walking
- Falling now actually hurts
- Mines now blow up faster
- Chance to do critical damage increased for specific melee weapons..a sludgehammer will always hurt,
while brass knuckles dont rip legs off.

- Crippled leg damage
- 1 leg = 15% normal speed, your limping
- 2 legs = 5% normal speed, your crawling
- I thought this might be a little drastic; but if you cant hammer a stimpak into you fast..its
obviously going to hurt.
- Weapon Damages
- All rifle damage incrased 70-80%
- All pistol damage increased 60-70%
- All melee damage increased about 80%

Accuracy vs. Damage Changes -
- Damage is only affected by your weapons condition.
- Accuracy is greatly effected by your skill. You get spreads based on your skill
The math on these is pretty whacky, but suffice it to say you're looking at around
70% less accuracy at low levels than higher skills compared to vanilla.
- Weapon condition now affects REGULAR jamming. This means a weapon will randomly jam when attempting to fire.
90+ = 1% random jam, 5% reload jam
- 80-90 = 2% random jam, 10% reload jam
- 70-80 = 10% random jam, 15% reload jam
- 50-70 = 15% random jam, 40% reload jam
- 30-50 = 25% random jam, 75% reload jam
- 20-30 = 40% random jam, 100% reload jam
- 10-20 = 60% random jam. 100% reload jam
- 0-10 = 60% random jam, 100% reload jam
- Crippled leg movement moved to 30% speed for 1 leg cripple, 10% speed for 2 legs
- Made the following changes to repairing:
- You can now canabilize and cross repair between different items of the same type
- All types of Power Armors can now be canablized and cross repaired
- Laser/Plasma Pistol/Rifle - Can now be repaired with: Conductor, Fisson Battery
- All weapon degredation decreased by 40%
- All armor degredation decreased by 40%
- Weapon condition now effects chance for criticals more
- Weapon condition now effects rate of fire.
- Weapon condition now effects reload jams more

VATS changes -
- you now take 50% extra damage while in vats
- VATS now delays you longer, due to the increased accurac
- your weapon now degrades normally in vats
- AP now restores half as fast. gotta call your shots...
- Bonus to crit chance via VATS has been decreased

Gore changes -
- reduced dismemberment/exploding chances


Power Armor Overhaul

The only change made here right now is making power armor weightless when worn.

- Increases carrying capacity by 100lbs when worn (therefore, negates 45lb weight of armor, plus adds an
additional 55lb of carrying capacity)
- Its now extremely hard to sneak in Power ARmor.


Big Booms

Overhauls all explosives damages and makes them much, MUCH more deadly. This includes base damage,
explosion radius, and radiation levels.

Major Changes:
- All explosives damages increased anywhere between 70-200%
- All explosives radius increased at least 70% (A grenade blowing up in the same 5x5 room should
rip you to shreads...)
- All nuclear weapon radiation fallout and damages have been increased. We assume all are dirty


Level Balancing

Overhauls level progression and such. Thanks to XFO overhaul for the idea of limiting skill points.
This has been used but changed significantly. Now your level much slower and difficulty multipliers
have been REMOVED. All experience gains have been dropped by about 30-60%, depending on the activity.
The game should go much slower now, and not reward useless lock picking anymore.

- Skill Points are now limited to 10 points her level. Period. Intelligence no longer effects these, and
you have to make some important choices on where your putting your skills now.
- XP Changes
- All XP gains dropped by about 30-70% Overall, heres the breakdown
- All XP gains for hacking & picking have been dropped by about 85%. Also, gains on hard/veryhard are
about 20% higher than what they should be. If your a master at it, you get more xp for it.
- XP Gain on location discovery raised about 20%
- XP Gain for easy/very easy enemies is dropped to almost nothing.
- Level cap at lvl20 is still in place since we cant fix all the issues turning the cap off causes.
- Changing your karma is now much harder
- Its easier to become evil than it is good...
- Tweaked XP rewards for "very hard" encounters some more
Leveling Changes -
- Changing your karma is now much harder
- Its easier to become evil than it is good...
- Tweaked XP rewards for "very hard" encounters some more


Chem & Food Realism

This overhauls just about all food and chem effects to make them A. more useful and B. more even.
p.s. This is recommended to be used WITH the chem & food loot overhaul
Major Changes:
- All drug effects lengths have been increased. These were not universal.
- Physco: raised from 4m to 10m
- Jet: raised from 4m to 7m
- Buffout: raised from 4m to 30m
- Rad-X: raised from 4m to 60m (long-lasting anti-radiation medication)
- Med-X Renamed Morphine: Raised from 4m to 10m
- Fire Ant-Nectar: raised from 2m to 4m
- Ant Queen Pheramones: Stays at 4m
- All Alchohols: raised from 4m to 20m
- Mentats: stays at 4m
- All drug additions now are weighted depending on how hard the drug is and what kind it is.
- For example, you addict faster to jet than mentats

Changes to Effects of Drugs (new values):
Buffout: +3 END, +2 STR, +60 HLTH, -2 AGL
Jet: +30 AP, -1 INT, -1 PER
Physco: Damage +25%, -10% damage resist, -1 PER, -2 INT
Morphine: -2 PER


Chem Loot Overhaul

Extensive changes will be made to loot and item pricing in order to make things more
Loot Changes -
- Stimpaks are now even HARDER to find
- Integrated many WTW loot table changes (Thanks TheMandrake!)
- All food weights have now been rebalanced to realism

Broken down modularly:

Currently, *ALL* chem prices have been increased based on rarity. Overhaul, everything
is about 60% *harder* to find, and it is also worth that much more though.

Ammo Loot Overhaul

Ammo is now much harder to find and rarer thoughout the wasteland. Stop throwing away your bullets.


Sneak Overhaul

This overhaul is going to be geared toward revamping sneak difficulty, multipliers, and run speed.
There are 2 types to this, Hardcore and normal, the differences as follows:
- Sneak Overhaul Hardcore
- Hides all sneak strings. You now dont know if your hidden or seen, listen for it
- Sneak Overhaul Normal
- Changes to Cuation string to [Hidden], and the "Danger" string to [Detected]. This is
like old oblivion sneaking, where you now only know if your spotted because they are
actively attacking you.


Food Overhaul - Not implemented.

Ammo Loot Overhaul - Not implemented.

Weapon Loot Overhaul - Not implemented.

Misc Loot Overhaul - Not implemented.

Комментарии: 21
Ваш комментарий

а русский язык в игре останется?


Хоть бы перевел, или сказал какие файлы чо делают...


Я вот посидел, попереводил... Народ, так то жестко меняет баланс игры на Хордкор! Перед установкой обязательно переведите, а то играть не сможете. Но мне в самый раз))) Спасибо Варчовски, замутил мегаэкшен. Сижу привыкаю ёпт...


А руссификатора под это дело нету? А то в инвентаре все по-английски.:(


за грамматическую ошибку которая меня уже достала (не патрон а патронов ЛоЛ) ставлю +1


реалистичнее убрать сохранения и помирать от вустрела в голову с 10мм пистолета


Кстати чё уже конструктор сделали?А то моды уже штамповкой идут


Через семь часов неотрывного гейма)даже про клозет забыл) вАЩЕ!!! Такаой ХАРДД! Ващеее нормально!!! Баланс РЕальный!! Если те в башку попадут, то все, насмерть!! И врагам также, процесс меняеца нафиг, перестрелки надо вести ТОЧНО и ОСТОРОЖНО, а не тупо пулять, короче я в восторге!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Этот мод - Хардкорщикам медок)))) Только обязательно: Перевести текст об изменениях перед установкой, я то огребать будите, и материца. Чо меня немножко обламало, дак это то что АНТИРАДИНА почти нигде нет!! Он на вес золота! А облучица насмерть - плевое дело.


Задумка хороша, НО: покоцанная охотничья винтовка валит под 66 повреждений, поганый 0,32 пистолет под 44, а секретная плазменка АЗ-21 наносит уцерб АЖ 24 !!!! аффтар выпей йаду. (случай из этого мода - бежиш в новой моторизованной броне, тебе попадают 5-6 раз из 10мм пистолета - и ты трупп! каково?!)


НОРМАЛЬНО, САМО ТО. ПОЛИЧИТОРОВ ПРАВДО слишкмо МНОГО, я легко играю безх питья, без сна, без еды и докторов. Еще дали способность вампиризм., но я ей не пользуюсь, слишком читорно. Может кто сделает или подскажет, как убрать все лишние. Или ухудшит. И еще, оружие у рейдеров постояно заклинивает, такие тупари получаются. Еще и косые. Мутанты сильней и точней не стали. Очень жаль, такие же безмозглые увольни. ТОчно попасть не могут. ГЛУПО, СТРАННО, ОБИДНО,


Хотелось бы как раньше, мутант с пулеметом один выстрел и ты труп.


По плазменки - "НОРМАЛЬНО (в ковычках)". Зато лазерная урон 70 наносит. И снайперка словно из дерьма сделана, разваливается при каждом выстреле. НО, :), это самый нормальный мод, который я видел. спасибо БОЛЬШОЕ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ВСЕ конечно хорошо , но у мя терь не стреляет ни один гатлинг-лазер не стреляет! патронов нету!!!


Я игру уже избегал на максимальном уровне сложности вдоль и поперек. Скучно стало. Думаю то что нужно, чтобы игру ожиыить - спасибо. Лишь бы заработало +10