Патч ArmA 2: British Armed Forces v1.01

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* Fixed: Tripod bags bug preventing BAF static weapon completion
* Fixed: SUSAT GL has working alternative optic
* Fixed: Reverse faces on FV-510 driver hatch
* Fixed: Permanent muzzle flash on Chinook door gunner
* Fixed: Chinook left-gunner-chief position is rotate-able
* New: Auto-registration of BAF addons (preLoadAddons)
* Fixed: Wrong proxy position of pilot in BAF models
* Fixed: Missing proxy of Jackal GMG's crew shadow LOD
* Fixed: gunnerCanSee was broken by BAF for static weapons
* Fixed: non-working GL rangefinder
* Fixed: cfgMod correction
* Fixed: IED deactivation issues
* New: New addon config parameter isLite for BAF-Lite
* Fixed: DR.Haladik is not mystified with world directions anymore
* Fixed: invisible bag bug
* Fixed: IEDs have their proper names and actions
* Fixed: Adjusted FV-150 cannon strength
* Bonus: Texture quality for BAF-Lite doubled
* Bonus: Sound quality for BAF-Lite doubled
* Bonus: Brand new grenade launcher optics to fit ballistic trajectory

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Комментарии: 1

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