Battlecruiser Millennium Gold v1.01.02

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Battlecruiser Millennium Gold v1.01.02 Скачать

* Minor cleanup
* Explosion sounds are no longer played for missiles blowing up or for fragments
resulting from an explosion. This presents a slight performance boost in that
sounds are only played once in these two instances.
* Recompiled with revised PTE2 terrain engine. This removes randomness for straight
and curved corner transition tiles which caused height variations when matched
with the reference heightmap for these transitions, resulting in incorrect terrain
heights at tile boundaries.
* IA/TA scenarios numbering scheme has been revised
* Now includes a limited version of the UNSUPPORTED GBS-II system for creating
mission scenarios


* Minor cleanup
* ALT+Q in mp no longer quits the game. Now ALT+Q will return to the SNG screen
if the server was joined via the server browser. If +connect was used, the game
will quit. Dying (KIA) while on the server still spawns you on the server after
30 secs (BCSETUPMP.INI setting)
* FIXED: Some client synch problems when on the planet

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