invincible // Непобедимость
- in-coming attack would be blocked as if you have your shield on.
undead // Бессмертие
- health still drop when being hit but you won't die.
inf. dash charges // Беск. Уклонения
- you can keep dashing, regardless of your remaining dash charges.
inf. double jump // Беск. Прыжки
- as title says.
ignore ammo // Беск. Патроны
- you can keep firing your weapon, regardless of the current ammo.
- ammo still drop until they reach zero.
fire rate multiplier // Множитель Скорострельности
- all weapons' (including melee weapons') attack frequency would be increased by the specified multiplier.
no recoil // Без Отдачи
- as title says.
inf. combo time // Беск. Комбо Таймер
- as title says.
- you'll have to deactivate the script to end the current combo, you may want to setup a hot-key for the script.
inf. remaining time // Беск. Таймер Уровня
- level timer won't drop below the specified min time, default: 3 seconds.
ignore money // Беск. Деньги
- allows you to buy stuff with no money.
- allows you to access the drug dealer shop with no money.
- money still drop when you buy stuff/access drug dealer shop until it reaches zero.
Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.
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не работает таблица, при выстреле игра вылетает с ней. Тренеров не нашёл, значит игру играть нельзя.