Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy "Дарт Реван - Darth Revan V1.04"

Реван  — выдающийся рыцарь-джедай в эпоху Старой Республики, после возвращения в Галактику уже в качестве владыки ситхов, а стал известен как Дарт Реван.

Авторы: RevanKnight

  • V1.01 Fixed some problems with the arms, changed some textures.
  • V1.02 New textures, new NPCS (see NPCS), added new shaders, fixed the arms on the Reborn model so that the arm spikes are the same on both arms, added model options like Jedi and Timeline (outfit from the SWTOR timeline videos) and new sounds.
  • V1.03 Updated textures, new ghost version(includes new sounds) , and bot support.
  • V1.04 Updated model, some major bug fixes, added two new versions, one without shiny shaders(they were affecting the game for some people), and one with no NPCs and no shiny shaders (for MP).
  • V1.04(edit) Bug fix.
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