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Warrior Kings 31.03.2002

Warrior Kings Battles v1.23 (NA)

Warrior King - Battles
Changes for ver. 1.23

Enhancement - Enhanced network play
Enhancement - Improvements to frame rate
Enhancement - Foreign language support
Fixed - Rare crash relating to chat window on Win 98 machines
Fixed - Mouse occasionally looses focus over a message box
Fixed - Character rendering issue relating to units disappearing
Fixed - Multiplayer 'Kingpiece' levels containing incorrect starting pieces

Fixed - Wrong type of wall being built after the construction of a cathedral
Fixed - When selecting to play a map on Skirmish/Multiplayer modes, the user
will notice that on some maps depictions there are black graphical corruptions

Known Issues

Multiplayer instability with dial-up Modem users ? the game is unstable and
can lock-up when playing multiplayer with a dial-up modem. This should be fixed
in the next patch.

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