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XCOM 2 05.02.2016

XCOM 2 "[WOTC] Field Medic Class"

Модификация на добавление класса, "медик"

(локализация присутствует)

Описание способностей в архиве

Комментарии: 3
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"Описание способностей в архиве" А тут описание влом было оставить?


Не советую, абсолютно бесполезный класс


-Способности: – First Aid (Passive) * Gives 4 uses per Medikit equipped and +1 healing. * Associated Ability: First Aid Heal (replaces Medikit Heal) * Heal for +5 HP * All other functions like regular Medikit Heal * Associated Ability: First Aid Stabilize (replaces Medikit Stabilize) * Just like Medikit Stabilize, also adds temporary defense boost for stabilized unit * Associated Ability: First Aid Revive * Removes mental conditions from unit, also adds temporary will boost for revived unit *First Responder Tree* – Dedication (Passive) * Gain extra Mobility and ignore overwatch/reactive fire shots from enemies. – Debilitate * Take a concussive shot at enemy, a successful hit lowers their mobility with a chance to stun. * Cross-class enabled. – Aptitude (Passive) * Gain extra healing and uses for Medikits. – Triage (AoE) * AoE Heal for allies within range. Requires Medikit charges. – Precise Strike * Take a careful shot at an enemy, grants extra aim and damage. * Cross-class enabled. – Renewal (AoE) * AoE minor heal for allies within range. NO Medikit required. *Preventative Care Tree* – Inoculate * Give ally/self a brief boost to Will and Dodge plus immunity to poison. – Analyze Weakness * Just like Advent Captain’s Mark, except: * Free action. – Defensive Treatment * Gain free Overwatch whenever using First Aid Heal. – Hearten (AoE, Aura) * AoE Buff to Will and Dodge for allies in range. – Vital Strike * Take a crippling shot at enemy, grants extra Crit Chance and applies Rupture on successful hit. – Calm Demeanor (Aura) * Gives all allies extra Aim and Crit Chance. *GTS Skill* – Self Defense (Passive) * Gain Will, Dodge, and Defense permanent boost.
