V1000 - 2020-01-12
1. Tested game version V1.08 64-bit. May work on other versions.
2. Game.
"Research Set to Massive?" sets Research to massive.
"Remote Exploration Set to Massive?" sets Remote Exploration to massive.
"Treasury Set to Massive?" sets Treasury to massive.
"Space Culture Set to Massive?" sets Space Culture to massive.
"Unique Abilities Set to Massive?" sets Unique Abilities to always usable.
"Race Morale, Population Growth Set to Massive?" sets Race Base Morale, Population Growth to massive.
"Leaders Opinion Set to Massive?" sets Leaders Opinion to massive.
"Leaders Primary Skills Set to Massive?" sets Leaders Primary Skills to massive.
"Leaders Secondary Skills Set to Massive?" sets Leaders Secondary Skills to massive.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- "Game Stats -> shipDesignManager -> playerShipDesignState -> shipDesignsEditk__BackingField -> Slot 1 -> shipClassk__BackingField". Specs of the selected ship class in Slot 1 of the Ship Design Edit. Edit Slot 1, select the ship class (does not need to be saved), modify the specs, then select the actual design slot and create / edit the ship.
3. Colony.
"Colony Production Set to Massive?" sets Production to massive.
"Colony Infrastructure Production Set to Massive?" sets Infrastructure Production to massive.
"Colony Size, Richness Set to Massive?" sets Size, Richness to massive.
"Colony Ruins Set to Unexplored?" sets Colony Ruins to Unexplored.
4. ShowRaceCustomization_static.
"Picks Limit Set to Massive?" sets Picks Limit to massive.
Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.
Скачать Cheat Engine с нашего сервера Вы сможете здесь.
1.0.8 пиратка не сработало Т_Т во всяком случае у меня...