Pes 2017 "Sider 3.4.0 by juce and nesa24"

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Sider 3.4.0 by juce and nesa24 - Вашему вниманию, обновлённая версия программы, с возможностью добавления своих файлов, для футбольного симулятора Pro Evolution Soccer 2017

Идея не нова, и довольно старая: если вы использовали или слышали о модуле afs2fs для Kitserver, или - совсем недавно - FileLoader от Jenkey1002, то программа LiveCPK будет Вам очень знакома. Это способ для загрузки содержимого из файлов в папках на диске, вместо cpk файлов.

Что нового:

- [bug-fix]: memory.write can now correctly write arbitrary binary strings (with zeros inside)
- [new]: memory.pack and memory.unpack - for converting between Lua numbers and their binary representations
- [new]: "close.on.exit" and "start.minimized" options in sider.ini. This is useful if you (like @Energia) use a batch file to start sider right before the game, and then when the game exists, you want sider to automatically quit also.
- [new]: gameplay lua library: makes it simple to alter some gameplay aspects (researched for you by @nesa24) - see docs/scripting.txt, the Gameplay section - for all the details. Also included are example modules: gameplay.lua and gameplay2.lua.
- [new]: new context field: ctx.stadium_choice and corresponding "set_stadium_choice" event. These allow for potentially more nuanced behaviour of a stadium-server in exhibition modes. (We'll need @zlac to take a look at this, and see if he can use it in his awesome StadiumServer)

And one last note:
also, included in modules directory - aspectratio.lua. It's not for everyone, but for those who like to poke the bytes - it demonstrates the use of "memory" library to force the game into a custom aspect ratio. Again, all credit to @nesa24 for research work.

Файлы из папки Pro Evolution Soccer 2017, копировать в директорию игры.
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