Soldiers: Heroes of WWII (MP)

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Патч, вносящий ряд изменений, касающихся мультиплеерного аспекта игры. Среди улучшений стоит отметить добавление возможности участия в игре до 16 игроков одновременно, также появилось 5 новых вариантов многопользовательской игры.
The Soldiers - Multiplayer Combat Upgrade will allow you to play full competitive multiplayer with up to 16 players.
With 5 new MP modes, 12 brand new maps and a host of new units, you can download extra content for free.
>Improved inventory sorting
>Equip / search / pick up / use all while lying prone
>Units now have weapon specialisations (visible on HUD)
>New rocket launcher trail physics and balancing
>Server browsing support
>Various levels of game speed not just ‘normal’ and ‘slow mo’
>Players can place marker points in multiplayer to aid communication, i.e. calling in coordinates for artillery
>Brand new buy dialogue, command points and money system for multiplayer
>Grenade throwing speed increase
>You can now melee attack units that are on the floor
>Bazooka infantry can run whilst bazooka equipped
>Mines will now go off from nearby explosions
>Mine detector works by just equipping, i.e you don’t need to use the ‘use’ key any more
>Anti-aliased fonts in front-end
>Items in shallow water can now be retrieved
>Fog of war can now be enabled in single player

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