Patch 1.11 Features
- New convenience-functions: In the construction menu tool-tip of the respective type of building, you can now see how many existing buildings you have and how many are currently being built.
- Newly added soulstones are now named according to their position, even when you load older saved-games.
- Now you can exchange hero runes directly. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to remove a rune prior to inserting the new one.
Patch 1.10 Features
- Over 30 new bindstones to improve travel time across the world of SpellForce
- Sort function for the Inventory
- Auto-unequip for Heroes who are taken out of the runeboard
- New Difficulty Level „Hard“: If you have already played SpellForce you can find new challenges. More enemies..but also more rewards.
- New Soundoption for Surroundsound and four speakers.
- The Elfs now have all buildings available for Multiplayer.
- Female Avatar equipment now properly displays graphical effect
- Resource Cheat in Multiplayer resolved
Patch 1.05 Change/Fix List
- It wasn't possible to reach skill level 12 for the Avatar - this has been fixed.
- The function Quickload has now been assigned to the key „F9”
- Old screenshots will not be overwritten anymore.
- An incorrect tooltip in the equipment dialog has been corrected (right hand/left hand).
- A space in the installation directory path name led to a crash in multiplayer mode.
- In 3rd Person-View, the avatar was attacked by his own long-distance fighters in Follow-Mode.
- For matters of better differentiation, the hero runes are colored according to the type of hero.
Patch 1.03 Change/Fix List
- When the player wants to learn the spell "Magic of Boons", the game crashes. This has been fixed.
- At times it was possible that savegames lead to a system-crash during the loading process or when you changed maps after loading a savegame. Now, these savegames run again.
- In some cases, when the game crashes, the file logconsole.des could be corrupt. Then the game will crash again the next time you start the game. After patch 1.03, a corrupt logconsole.des file will not lead to additional crashes.
- Till now, there was no check in multiplayer mode, to make sure the players were all using the same version of the program. When running different versions, the only message that endlessly appeared, read "Please wait", and appeared after the host started the game. From patch 1.03 on, an error message will appear.
- The side quest Stonecrusher tended to fail: The dwarf did not demolish the stone blocks. Now, the stone blocks are demolished every time (and retroactively).
Patch 1.02 Change/Fix List
- "Incompatible System Configuration" error messages during the game installation process and game start appeared on systems with Intel-Chip Sets with the Intel Application Accelerator (Intel Busmaster IDE-Driver) installed and on nforce2-chipsets with ForceWare 3.13.
In order to install the game anyway, please start the v1.02 Update-Program - this program will execute the game-installation program and thus, solve the
compatibility problem.
The error message "Incompatible System Configuration" is also triggered when the "RMPS-Emulations Options" in virtual drives are turned on. These options must be deactivated.
- The side quest character Goran did not give the player the promised reward. Now he does.
- All multiplayer speech-versions have been brought up-to-date. The patch is necessary in order to play against other players with different speech-versions.
- Altogether, multiplayer parties run much smoother.
- Performance breakdowns sometimes occurred when ordering a direct attack command on a long-distance target with several units. This has been fixed.
- Occasionally, the characters' Hitbars were still shown during dialogs and were visually disturbing. Now the Hitbars are turned off during dialogs.
- At times, the shadows of the trees tended to flicker. This has been fixed.
- When formations including fast and slow units were made, the faster units always moved a bit ahead of the slower units, and then they would stop and wait. Now, the fast units adjust their speed according to the slow units.
- A possible crash in multiplayer mode after long parties has been fixed.