Stardrive "мод расширяющий оборонительные сооружения"

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Мод расширяющий оборонные сооружения: две постройки с ракетами и одна фотонная пушка (добавлены и соответствующие технологии). Сооружения можно строить и в необитаемой местности.
Так же добавлено подробное описание параметров для лучевого оружия

Установка для версия игры 1.08 русс
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ЕЩЁ ПО ТЕМЕ StarDrive "Tech Level Mod V1.08F" StarDrive 2 - Космоверфь StarDrive Патч 1.15
Комментарии: 9

вот вам 1.11 (у китайцев все есть ток поискать надо) Added Russian language support Changed a number of fonts around to support russian characters; let me know if you see any oddities Fixed repair drones, which were accidentally disabled in 1.10 while trying to fix repair drones. Recursive failure/ Fixed bug where ships being refitted would jump to full price upon loading a saved game Fixed a bug where beams would sometimes misfire Fixed an issue where buildings added to the construction queue by a governor weren't getting the pacing modifier Fixed a rare race condition regarding ship hangars Fixed a rarer crash caused by the autosave Fixed a bug where reloading a game would cause ships to lose their boarding defense. Increased the range of the EMP cannon to fit with some new stuff I'm doing with AI that wants to capture your ships Siphon beam is now 5x more effective Siphon beam works properly now. It wasn't working before. Probably no one noticed because it sucked. But not anymore! Thalaron beam now applies 5x more damage in addition to killing troops Assault shuttle bay cooldown is reduced from 5 minutes to 30 seconds Added a tougher remnant challenge to top tier planets Fixed a weird issue where you could click the shipyard button when you were in the shipyard and make the screen flicker; may also cause errors или или а тут 1.11В Hotfix a problem with carriers not launching fighters Fighters will now attack the carrier's target if they don't have targets assigned Ships should ignore the range on their drones when calculating their weapons range 1.2 Fixed Heavy Siphon beam to have the buff from last patch Ships with supply bays will no longer resupply other ships with supply bays Shamelessly stole ThomasGideon's arc art Fixed a font issue with Arial 20 bold being way too large and screwing some spacing up Changed arcs and shields in the shipyard to always draw over the ship module textures Troops now spawn from planets in freighter class vessels rather than scout class vessels Fixed a crash on the ground combat screen that could result from clicking the exact wrong spot Planetary Gravity wells are now a vanilla rule Subspace projectors and home territory now negates gravity wells Planetary shields get a large HP buff; planetary shield regen reduced to 1 per turn Adding new troop types: - "Defender" has more hitpoints, lower attack, no ship. Stays where it is built for now. - "Assault Force" is a standard troop. Spawns in a One-Shot freighter that goes into orbit upon being built. - "Away Team" weaker troop, has its own shuttle like current troops. Spawns on planet. 1.13B Fixed Heavy Siphon beam to have the buff from last patch Ships with supply bays will no longer resupply other ships with supply bays Shamelessly stole ThomasGideon's arc art Fixed a font issue with Arial 20 bold being way too large and screwing some spacing up Changed arcs and shields in the shipyard to always draw over the ship module textures Troops now spawn from planets in freighter class vessels rather than scout class vessels Fixed a crash on the ground combat screen that could result from clicking the exact wrong spot Planetary Gravity wells are now a vanilla rule Subspace projectors and home territory now negates gravity wells Planetary shields get a large HP buff; planetary shield regen reduced to 1 per turn Changed the freighter algorithm to be more efficient when supplying planets in need of food Added the ability to spawn new random resource items on planets by planet type. For instance, Crystal clusters on a Barren planet, etc. Added new star types (green, blue, orange, etc) Further tweaked the freighter algorithm to be more efficient Added French localization Fixed an issue where the AI would keep building projectors to colonies it has lost Added support for broadside weaponry. Some weapons can be rotated using arrows keys. Modding Added a tag to XML to allow for shields to recharge during combat () Added support for Flags in the Mod Manager Added support for custom video files to be managed by the Mod Manager (when designing a race, put true in the EmpireData file. The video will then play from YourMod/Video instead of Content/Video) Clearing a mod with the mod manager will now uninstall anything it added to the Content Folder. Added support for custom music on the main menu Hotfix for a crash related to capturing a ship 1.13C Fixed two crashes that were rarer cases. Should resolve people having issues loading a saved game 1.13H Fixed a race condition crash Nerfed planet richness across the board by half. An ultrarich planet is now in the 2.5 richness range; starting planets are 1.0 richness. This should help forestall or eliminate reaching the “singularity” point where you have a post-scarcity economy Reduced the amount of military strength generated by platforms and stations for the purposes of the AI determining your strength Rotated modules will now save properly for ships that are Works in Progress Added the display of weapon tags to the active module panel in the shipyard Added appropriate tags to all weapon files Added Guided to Quantum Torpedo Cannon; Added interceptable to QT cannon Changed readouts on Ship Design screen so that large numbers display in a truncated format for easier reading Added the “Space Bomb” class of weapons. These are momentum-based weapons that have virtually no propellant whatsoever, mostly relying on the velocity of the firing ship to guide it to the target Fixed an issue with AI aiming becoming worse the faster the firing ship moved. The issue was an omission in the formula for estimating the projectile’s time to target (the firing ship’s velocity was not properly added to the projectile’s velocity) Fixed a similar issue in collision detection algorithms for estimating projectile positions, which could cause misses for fast projectiles fired from fast moving ships Added “Hardcore” ruleset, with a reworked tech tree. see below Fixed bug where planetary defenses weren't firing а так же новвоведения в компонентах оружия и модулях кораблей 1.13J Added Scrolling to the tech tree with the right mouse button Changed the way scrolling with the right mouse button works in the shipyard to feel a bit better Fixed a bug where ships would not drop out of warp if caught in a hyperspace flux or other inhibiting field Fixed an issue where the In Combat Shield Recharge wasn't loading up properly Fixed an issue where AI ships were not properly affected by gravity wells Added a Launch All troops button to the colony screen 1.13K Added a few code optimizations courtesy of crunchy gremlin. Should see some better late game performance Added a number of new end-game ship designs from Isahn's ship pack. The AI should have some nastier toys to play with now Removed the Revoran system Added normal maps to Vulfen capital ships that were missing - they should look cooler now Fixed an issue where resupply ships would sometimes attempt to resupply themselves 1.14A Added fairly major memory optimizations. Possibly eliminated OOM errors. Please let me know your results Added the Kulrathi Titan Added Vulfar Titan Changed the peace treaty notification icon to a dove icon Double clicking a planet will no longer explore it automatically Ships with ordnance fabricators will no longer be the target of resupply shuttles EMP Torpedoes now actually do EMP Damage! Added an indicator on the planet list screen for systems that have a known enemy presence The cancel colonize order button on the planet list will properly abort the mission of a colony ship en route Fixed an error where Cybernetic governors were not considering the effects of the tax rate in deciding how to set their production labor allocations, which could lead to poor results and starvation. The Cybernetic AI will no longer colonize planets which have less than 1.0 richness The Cybernetic governor will build biospheres on the best planets Core World governors will now build biospheres automatically if they determine that it is beneficial to do so Added new Core / Research world governor behavior which will adjust production and research percentages to try and make a profit when running at a deficit Drastically changes the weight the AI gives to making capital ships (want them to build lots more) Reduced the number of freighters and passenger transports the AI wants to build The AI will be smarter about building up its fleet so as to keep its economy running smoothly The AI will now be more aggressive about scouting Governors will be more careful about building shipyards unless they can be properly supported financially All governors will be more careful to only begin construction projects when they believe they can afford the maintenance The AI will build projectors only if they can very comfortable afford them Changed a Core World governor rule that would have them switch to research if their production stores get full. Won't do that anymore because it affects their taxes Changed the way ship maintenance works. Maintenance is now a fixed amount depending on ship class. Fixed an error where the Ship Scrapping logic would collide with the Auto Explore logic to have stuttery-looking AI scout ships Fixed an error where expeditionary fleets could run out of ammo and fail to rearm


Интересно было бы выложить пошаговое описание как моды для игрухи делать.


залейте кто патч на 1.08


зачем тебе 1.08 когда уже 10 вышел... а то и 11 кажется... только их нигде нет...


а тут все плюшки к расе скопировать нужную расу в папку игры ..\StarDrive\Content\Races и начать игру за эту расу, так же можно вернуть параметры из папки оригинал


а тут обновил этот мод для 1.14A добавил читерную плюшку уменьшитель массы (модуль к кораблю, изучается в ветке секрет), комп ей не пользуется, самому можно тоже не пользоваться


nike[destroyer] тоже вот жду пока кто нить сделает


Частенько в игре расы считают что им проще сдаться чем играть, что выглядит нелепо, маловероятно что какой то народ захочет просто так сдаться полностью другому под натиском поражения и уж тем более мирно, в данном файле для версии игры 1.13К это желание пресекается а тут для 1.14А


версия первая, на баланс особо не тестировалась, т.ч. в будущем можно будет подправить параметры
