Tribes: Vengeance - Cheatcodes (English)

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Add the command-line parameter "-console" to the shortcut for the game, then while playing press [TAB] to bring up the console. Type any of the following codes:

Example: "C:\Program Files\Tribes Vengeance\tribes.exe" -console

godGod Mode
allammo999 Ammo, 99 Grenades
allweaponsAll Weapons
stat allShow All Stats
stat FPSShow FPS
stat netShow Network Stats
stat noneTurn Off Stats
fov #Field of View (# = 01 to 99)
об авторе
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ЕЩЁ ПО ТЕМЕ Создание ботов в Trbies:Vengeance Tribes Vengeance: Русификатор (текст) Помогите плиз
Комментарии: 1
