Ultima 7 - The Black Gate: Cheat-codes (English)

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Debug mode:

Start the game with the following command line. Type ultima7, followed by a space, and the invisible character created by holding [Alt] + 255. The following debug functions may now be activated. Alternatively, type ultima7, followed by a space, abcd, and the invisible character created by holding [Alt] + 255. The following debug functions may now be activated. Alternatively, type

Cheat menu

Press [F2] during game play.

Teleport map

Press [F3] during game play.

Steal items

Press [Alt] + 4 and click on a person to force them to drop all items.

Hidden treasure room

Start a new game after enabling the debug code. Locate the dead blacksmith's shop in the bottom left corner of the first town. Climb on the roof by using the crates. Walk to the back of the chimney to be transported to a secret treasure room with many magic and special items

Free bread

If you are in a bakery, take some flour and put it in the fireplace. Within seconds, a loaf of bread will pop out. Repeat until you have enough bread to feed your characters.

Send Lord British to an early grave

Wait around the castle courtyard until Lord British stands under the sign that reads ''Lord British's Throne Room.'' (this happens around noon in the game; check your pocketwatch if you don't know the game time). Double-click the sign and it will come loose, fall down, and embed itself in the good king's head.

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