UT2003 v2166

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UT2003 v2166 Скачать

Основные изменения:

  • Cтала возможна запись и просмотр демок
  • Добавлена персональная статистика (F3)
  • Поддержка длинных имен в scoreboard
  • Больше патронов для минигана
  • Оружие можно подбирать прямо в воздухе
  • Добавлена команда выбросить флаг
  • Уменьшены задержки между голосовыми сообщениями
  • В меню можно отключить показ имени игрока под прицелом
  • При переключении пушек внизу появляется надпись с названием оружия которое вы держите
  • Адреналин не изменяется при переходе в другую команду
  • Убраны проблемы с кэшированием пакэджей
  • Добавлено админское меню для команд kick и ban
  • Луч Link Gun выпрямляется при стрельбе по противнику
  • Модели лежащего оружия стали меньше
  • Снова исправили баг с четырьмя ракетами ;]
  • Исправлены случайные смерти на CTF-LostFaith
  • Теперь .ini файлы обновятся не сбрасывая ваших настроек
  • Исправлено много ошибок с транслокатором
  • Mouse acceleration можно настроить сразу в меню
  • Настройка FOV из меню
  • Изменения IRC-клиента
  • Фильтры серверов для сервер-браузера
  • Исправления в интеллекте ботов
  • Улучшен сетевой код
  • Новые функции для поддержки модов
  • Исправления ошибок движка
  • Исправлены ошибки видеокарт S3 и Savage 4
  • Улучшена работа с EAX 3.0

    Полный список изменений:
    Unreal Tournament 2003 by Digital Extremes and Epic Games - retail v2166 patch for Win32

    This patch is completely compatible with the retail version and previous patches - servers and clients of any flavor can connect with each other. This patch will not overwrite your ut2003.ini and user.ini files, except to update settings as necessary.

    To use it with windows dedicated servers, rename it to ut2003-winpatch2166.zip,
    open and extract it to a temporary location with winzip, and copy the system directory (subdirectory of UT2003patch) into the system subdirectory of your server installation.

    CHANGE LIST in v2166:

    Demo Recording:

    Demos can be recorded either on a server, or in single player, or as a client in a network game.For demos recorded as a client in a network game, you cannot cycle between players in the match.


    To record a demo on your server, start the server with the ?demorec URL parameter. For example:

    ucc server dm-gael?game=xgame.xdeathmatch?demorec=mydemo

    Will record the game to the demo file mydemo.dem. If you leave off the "=mydemo.dem", the server will record a demo with a unique filename starting at demo0001.dem, demo0002.dem etc.

    You can also use the "demorec" console command at the server console to start recording a demo after a match has started. For example, "demorec mydemo" or just "demorec".


    Use the "demoplay" console command. For example, "demoplay mydemo". During playback, pressing Fire will cycle between the players in the game and a free spectator camera. Pressing Alt-fire will switch between first and 3rd person.

    "demoplay mydemo?loop" will cause the demo to loop infinitely until the "stopdemo" console command is used.

    Normally demos play back capped to the frame rate at which they were recorded. To remove this cap, use "demoplay mydemo?timedemo". This will play the demo back as fast as possible and dump the average fps to the console at the end of the demo. If a demo recorded at a higher framerate than your computer is able to play it back, the demo will play in slow motion.

    The frame rate dedicated servers use when recording demos is adjustable in UT2003.ini in the [Engine.DemoRecDriver] section. Change NetServerMaxTickRate and LanServerMaxTickRate. The default values are 30 fps. Increasing these will increase your server CPU utilization.

    - friendly fire kills affect team scores
    - made players a little brighter
    - allow weapon throwing with weapon stay on (but can't pick up thrown weapon if already have that weapon),
    plus added configurable gameinfo property bAllowWeaponThrowing (default true)
    - don't spam "you are ready/not ready" messages to console before game starts
    - fixed FFA DM overtime end conditions
    - Ability to have custom announcer voices. Make a new announcer voice pack (with the same sound names as the original AnnounceMain.uax), named NewPackName.uax (where NewPackName = whatever you want to call it), and put it in the ut2003\sounds directory. Then, in the User.ini file (in the UT2003\system directory) change:
    - fixed strafe toggle
    - support longer playernames on scoreboard/HUD
    - show FPH in scoreboard
    - fixed flags sitting on ground in CTF-Citadel
    - more minigun ammo
    - really fixed 4 rocket bug
    - Fixed DM-TokaraForest flags showing up
    - fixed CTF-LostFaith KillZ
    - spectating maintains view - when a player dies it continues to view the player when they respawn.
    - improved texture precaching, removing a few early hitches
    - moved arena mutator config and maplists from user.ini to ut2003.ini
    - update .ini files without overwriting them! (except for settings added or changed since we shipped)
    - fixed bug when had more than 16 bots total on custom teams
    - improved translocation (less failures)
    - link alt no blood
    - don't lose adrenaline if switch teams to team with less players
    - added Gameinfo property bAllowBehindView, server option allows behindview in net games if true (default false)
    - made lightning gun recharge match up better recharge finish (it was playing too long)
    - reduced delays between allowed voice messages
    - scaled weapon and powerup pickups down some to match player size better
    - spectators can go through doors/movers
    - fixed catching weapons in mid air
    - added DropFlag command
    - adjusted distance fog in some levels to make them look crisper/higher contrast
    - if weapons are invisible, firing is centered
    - added PipedSwitchWeapon exec function, to allow you to bind to weapons to a single key by editing your user.ini, e.g. "e=pipedswitchweapon 5 | pipedswitchweapon 7" allows you to switch to and between the linkgun and the flakcannon.
    - added configurable option bShowMessageText to TeamVoicePack, controls whether text of non-taunt voice messages is shown.
    To change this value from its default of true, add the following lines to your user.ini file"

    - added in-game personal stats (bound to F3)
    - Added Server Info which includes MOTD and Rules (bound to F2)
    - Added In-Game Chat Client (Similar to IRC)
    - made team section of HUD scaleable
    - Mouse acceleration threshold now in the menus
    - FOV settings 80 to 100 in menu - FOV defaults to 85, set it to 90 to feel more like UT
    - Press f10 to cancel added to connect message
    - "Blob shadows" option added to menus
    - Change "corrupted connection detected" to "incompatible game files"
    - Add name of weapon you are switching to to hud
    - Fixed DisplayProgressMessages to only show MOTD once
    - Added color codes to text messages
    - Fixed MOTD to be able to handle more than 4 lines
    - Add up/down key history to IRC input
    - Allow double-clicking 'unreal://' and 'http://' URLs in IRC chat.
    - Add colour to IRC (nicknames, join/leave messages, links etc.).
    - Ctrl-C in server browser copies selected server URL
    - Extra game-type tabs created automatically for installed game types (from .int file).
    - Add extra fields to server browser filter - 'dont want this mutator', translocator, weaponstay.
    - fixed blue team preference not being saved
    - added configurable HUD option to not display enemy names under your crosshair HUDbDeathMatch.bNoEnemyNames

    - fixed bot aiming link shaft at crouched opponent
    - BR AI improvements
    - CTF AI improvements
    - improved skyline bot AI
    - improved bot use of ion cannon

    - make sure ClientNetSpeed can't get set to 0
    - improved client ping measurement
    - fixed client location synchronization problem that could happen when you fell out of a crouching height only area
    - fixed bug where lost ability to fire
    - fixed weapon idle animations on net clients
    - fixed GetLocalPlayerController() on net clients
    - fixed BR-Skyline airship in netplay
    - improved smoothness for high ping clients
    - fixed minplayers+stats coexistence
    - admins can pause net games
    - fixed combo effects showing up in net games
    - *really* fixed redeemer firing bug
    - Fixed bug that caused garbage collection not to occur between level changes
    - Gamestats class is now configurable via ini
    - Security actor is now configurable via ini
    - Add ClientReplaceMenu in Playercontroller
    - Added Admin command NextMap
    - Applied fix for bug where some string checking in Web admin failed
    - Fix bug in Web admin that causes "WebAdmin:" to appear twice
    - Added security level checks to web admin's ServerChangeMap
    - Applied fix for linux Web Admin regard hard-coded IP addresses
    - Applied fix for Admin kicking via XAdmin
    - Closed security hole where admins could look/set security info
    - reduced ConnectionTimeout to 15 seconds
    - allow players to enter as spectators in games with maxlives>0 that have already started
    - replicate weapon reload sounds
    - allow admins and spectators to use behindview

    Mod support:
    - added ModifyVelocity() event to Pawn, to allow mods to modify physics behavior - its called by the physics code after the velocity is updated, but
    before it affects the Pawn's location.
    - added mutate() replicated function for use by mutators
    - fixed teamgame ReduceDamage() allows mutators to override even if instigator==None
    - added skeleton option to .upl player descriptions (for user created models with different skeletons)
    - Add -MainMenu= command line param
    - Fixed several internal hardcoded menu links
    - Fixed GUIController to always use the ini set MainMenuClass
    - Propagate LevelChange() through the interaction and gui system
    - Add MutatorFillPlayInfo to allow mutators to add web admin settings
    - Added bContactingLevel output variable to KarmaParamsCollision.
    - fixed umod installer

    - Memory leak fixes: Explicitly destroy KarmaParams in Actor::PostScriptDestroy, and - 'new' KarmaParamsSkel instead of using BeginObject
    - Fix for crash with per-tri karma collision with static meshes with no collision data

    - fixed z- pixel fog and favored it over vertex fog
    - worked around vertex fog driver bug on ATI cards
    - added workarounds for S3 cards like the Savage 4
    - added OverrideDesktopRefreshRate option (defaults to false)

    - fixed occlusion if EAX 3.0 is enabled
    - play own footstep sounds with weaponbob false unless set [UnrealGame.UnrealPawn] bPlayOwnFootSteps=false in user.ini
    - more sound prioritization improvements
об авторе
Пользователь пока ничего не написал о себе.
ЕЩЁ ПО ТЕМЕ Не работает как надо редактор Unreal Tournament 2003 "Map Pack" Unreal Tournament 2003 - Infection
Комментарии: 19

а почему я теперь к вашему серваку не могу сконнектиться? пишет Incompartible Game Files до установки этого патча все работало.


алекс, просто сервер вcе еще на старом паnче работает. А подключится можно будет тогда когда он на 2166 передет. А передет он тогда кода его все скачают! (наверно скоро)


Народ.........у меня 3 диска от Фаргуса....установлена англ. версия. Раньше все бегало без диска, а теперь требует вставить play disk...ни один из 3 дисков не принимает. Что делать?:((


Ломать-что же еще!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Найди Кряк)!!!!!!!!!!!-совет тебе!!!


нехер гетрайт юзать. флэшгет всё намана качает


У меня на двух дисках две версии. Английская ваще не катит, а в русской нету прыжка( совсем нету), и какую клавиш не ставь - бесполезно... Че делать?? мож кто знает.... помогите плиззз!!!


Пока ничего сказать немогу, кочаю еще!!!!!


Блин ну я абгрейдил и он от меня диск стал требовать suxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Во подстава и что мне теперь делать!!!!!!!!!!!!




Блин архиватор надобы еще апгрейдить!!!!!!!! :((((


AT2003 Build UT2003_Build_[2002-12-17_23.50]

OS: Windows 98 4.10 (Build: 67766446)
CPU: GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 998 MHz with 127MB RAM
Video: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 (2183)

Failed to enter Entry: Can't find file for package 'TauntPack'

History: UGameEngine::Init !!!!!!!


хочу поиграть по сети в UT2003


У кого есть возможность, киньте на мой почтовый ящик патч для UT2003!


Как правильно установить патч


а чё нельзя сразу скачать 2199 ....... ?


OS: Windows 98
CPU: P3 1004 MHz with 255MB RAM
Video: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
ктонить знает почему у меня UT видюху не находит?
(дрова для видюхи обновлять пробовал)


Урааааа, догнал в чем дело
Я себе NoCd ставил версии 2166


а Как ставить?