WC3: TFT_Bomber Command

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Оригинальная бонусная карта для Warcraft 3: TFT, описание которой вы можете найти ниже:
Suggested Players: 3v3
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Map Size: Small
Click Here For Additional Information:
In Trigger Editor, under Initialization category, in Initialization trigger, disable the first line:
Set ItsForDebug = False
to turn the map into debug mode.

Under debug mode, player can use following cheat code:

kill - Kill all the units currently selected
hlvl # - Set the level of hero that you currently select to the specify number
money - gives you 99999 gold and 99999 lumber
gl - Finish all the research in your command center (except Economic) and gives you 50000 gold and lumber
cd - Finish cooldown of all abilities of the unit that you select

об авторе
Пользователь пока ничего не написал о себе.
ЕЩЁ ПО ТЕМЕ Warcraft 3 "Набор карт Атака Архимонда РиВ" Двери замерить надо День труда по-варкрафтовски
Комментарии: 2



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