Witcher "Right to the Throne Soundtrack"

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Музыка из мода Right to the Throne.

1. Right to the Throne (3:06)............[Vizima's Outskirts - day]
2. Nocturnal Peace (3:46)................[Vizima's Outskirts - night]
3. Buskers in the Inn (0:28).............[Inn]
4. Wolves Lair (0:55)....................[Wolves' den]
5. In the Crypt (1:01)...................[Cave, crypt]
6. Mysterious Mage (1:48)................[Nobilites' Headquarters]
7. Welcome, Witcher (1:17)...............[Interiors]
8. On the Edge (0:43)....................[Fight]
9. Clash (0:47)..........................[Fight]
10.Towards the End (1:10)................[Catacombs]
11.Trailer Score (1:34)..................[Trailer]

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