Furi "Update 1.2.58"

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Furi "Update 1.2.58" Скачать


Patch notes:

Here is the content of version 1.2.58

Alternate gamepad control schemes
New radial mode option for mouse aiming (default)
Added Steam Trading Cards (waiting for Steam validation)
Tweak for Promenade mode (added more variety to the Promenade fights)
Slight nerf for The Burst and The Line (in Furi difficulty story mode only - NOT in Speedrun mode)
Added hint for Automove (press X to walk on paths to arena)
Fixed most cases where The Burst walls raise below Rider
Improved reticle visibility on some levels (re difficulty to see it for colorblind people)
Misc bugfixes.

ЕЩЁ ПО ТЕМЕ Furi "Трейнер +3" [1.7.224s] {Retnelix} DLC Onnamusha доступно для Furi, а сама игра вышла на Playstation 5 Furi - Onnamusha "Таблица для Cheat Engine" [1.7.216s] {ndck76}
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