SimCity 4 "Euro Road Textures Mod"

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This mod will give the roads a more European look by changing the yellow double-line into a single white dashed line, as it is common throughout Europe. We changed every road texture, such as straight and curved pieces, crossroads and intersections, bridges and tunnels etc., as well as the textures from all new Network Addon Mod additions (roundabouts, overpasses, puzzle pieces,...) and the Street Addon Mod (SAM).

This mod completely replaces the Euro Road Textures Mod by Thorvin and all previous versions by frimi, so please delete them first before installing this mod! You can use the included BSC Cleanitol file for this purpose.

For proper functionality of ths mod, the files must be loaded after the Network Addon Mod or the Street Addon Mod, so you have to place them in a folder that is located "below" the one (alphabetically-wise) where the Network Addon Mod/Street Addon Mod is installed!

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ЕЩЁ ПО ТЕМЕ SimCity 4 "Таблица для Cheat Engine" [UPD: 29.01.2024] {N3rveMods} SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition "Таблица для Cheat Engine" [UPD: 10.07.2023] {laserbeak} Один из легендарных модов для SimCity 4 получил новую версию к 20-летию игры
Комментарии: 4

а на русском?


Изменены дороги. Теперь они как в европе (не жолтый разделитель, а белый пунктир)


а их в папку plugins или в другую надо вкладывать?

