Cricket 2002


1)Goto Inside EA

2)Higlight credits but don't click on it

3)Type in the following codes while credits is still highlighted


Easily hit 4's and 6's : sbatsman

Big Bat : bigbat

Fielders can't catch : butter

Unlock teams & Stadiums : ulock all

All Fielders Look Like the Umpire : fatfielders


Using the same method (highlighting credits button):

fatfielders: fielders become fat umpires

ulocknzlsaf: all-time newzealand and south africa teams

ulockate: all-time england team

hbstudios: HB studios team

ulockastar: all star team

bigbat: bigbat

ulockall: unlock all cheats

sharjahtmnt: sharjah four team tournament

butter: fielders can't catch

bouncyball: ball bounces when hit (doesn't roll)

sbatsmen: super batsmen

(c) Team X

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