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Mount & Blade 16.09.2008

Mount & Blade - Viking Conquest: Reforged Edition: Таблица для Cheat Engine [24.03.2017] {Shinkansen}

1. Battle Stats.
Improved code detection.

1. Character Stats.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Inventory.
- Equipment Prefix.

2. Player Stats.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Right to Rule.
- Reputation.

3. Army Stats.
Renamed Player Stats to Army Stats.

4. Supply Do Not Decrease (To Update: Play Level) sets Supply to not decrease.

1. Tested game version V1.172 Hotfix. May work on other versions.

2. Battle Stats.
Does not work when mounted.
"Health Set to Massive?" sets Player Health to massive (effectively Godmode).
"Attributes Set to Massive?" sets Player Attributes to massive.
"Skills Set to Massive?" sets Player Skills to massive.
"Proficiencies Set to Massive?" sets Player Proficiencies to massive.

2. Character Stats.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Attributes.
- Skills.
- Proficiencies.
- Experience.
- Skill Points.
- Attribute Points.
- Weapon Points.
- Money.
- Equipment.
- Durability.
- Renown.

3. Ammunition Do Not Decrease (To Update: Battle) sets Ammunition to not decrease

4. Player Stats.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Company and Prisoners Quantity.
- Company and Prisoners Unit ID.
- Company and Prisoners Prisoner Flag.
- Company and Prisoners Wounded Quantity.
- Company and Prisoners Upgradeable Quantity.

Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

Скачать Cheat Engine с нашего сервера Вы сможете здесь.

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