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World of Warcraft 21.11.2004

Патч World of Warcraft v2.1.3 до v2.2.0 UK


- Dueling players may not use a Lightwell that they didn?t create themselves.


- Eye of the Storm: The points awarded from capturing the flag now increase based on the number of bases the capturing teams owns.


- Arena calculations have been modified. In addition, the penalty for smaller arena teams (2v2, 3v3) has been slightly reduced.
- Items that are indicated as quest items in their tooltips and have a "use" or "equip" ability will not work in PvP arenas.
- Players will no longer be able to change armor once an arena battle has begun. Changing armor will still be available during the one-minute prep time prior to the battle. Main hand, off hand and range weapon swapping in combat remains unchanged.

Комментарии: 6
Ваш комментарий

А руские серваки кто знает скоро под него появятся?


А как перейти обратно с 2.2.0 на 2.1.3????? ПЛИИЗЗЗ ОТВЕТЬТЕ


Русский сервак есть под 2.2.3


Это UA. В РуНете есть www.myrpg.ru


Зачем эти патчи воща создают?Непонимаю токо время тратиш!!!!пока их скатываеш и бабло летит за это ,а разницы можно сказать никакой!