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Sword of the Stars 22.08.2006

Патч Sword of the Stars: A Murder of Crows v1.6.7 EN

— Improved ortgay navigation around asteroids.
— Added missing options to Hiver DEPointDefence.
— Auto Resolve: Fixed ballistic damage modifiers not being applied vs planets.
— Fixed AI running undeployed hiver gate into battle.
— Fixed Hiver AI not expanding.
— Fixed AI responding about itself for like/hate messages.
— Fixed team option not working properly with standalone server.
— Fixed sort order for sectors in trade summary screen.
— Fixed arcology bonus being applied before pop modifiers instead of after.
— Fixed tech info display not listing all sections a tech would unlock.
— Fixed fleet layouts not replacing ships in the layout that died with ships of similar design.
— Fixed sync error with player rejoining shortly after another player acquired advanced sensors.
— Fixed Zuul slave disks not returning to ships when all enemies were eliminated.
— Fixed user clicking on VN Homeworld Discovered news event sometimes zooming to empty space.
— Fixed AI incorrectly responding to diplomatic requests.
— Fixed duplicate system entry in Vortex custom map.
— Fixed hold fire issues with asteroid monitor.
— Fixed spinning morrigi dreads when contacting leap mines.
— Fixed Node missiles flying through cruisers.
— Fixed swarm larva retreating inside planet during combat
— Fixed weapon list sometimes being cut off in design screen.
— Fixed main menu being rendered behind the game setup screens.
— Fixed node techs not showing some other benefits in research screen.
— Fixed exploit where Hivers could teleport to any secure sector, even if they could not trade or raid there.
— Fixed locking of player slots not being saved.
— Fixed Berserker attacks not being properly detected by science stations.
— Fixed end of turn crash.
— Fixed sync error in combat with grappling hooks.
— Fixed Slaver encounter slave discs bouncing off planet.
— Fixed issue with mouse cursor and dual monitors.
— Fixed incorrectly flagged PD targets.
— Fixed dead alliance members appearing in various diplomacy screens and ai messages.
— Fixed players editing teams for other players in the lobby.
— Fixed players with Ancient Morrigi researched not disabling the morrigi encounters.
— Fixed server launch pad icons.
— Fixed tranferring slaves failing if the were slaves already at the system.
— Fixed Zuul receiving "civilians disbanded" event when acquiring a colony.
— Fixed error displaying weight for massive ships in build screen.
— Fixed combat not knowing that a player refused surrender.
— Fixed independent systems not rebuilding infrastructure or terraforming.
— Fixed climate hazard not affecting populations for independent systems.
— Fixed AI treating a team with only one player as an alliance.

— Display details for fleets in the fleet manager.
— Double clicking on events for special projects being unlocked will now open the research screen.
— Tweaked MOTD appearance.
— Fill in all slots with default opponents when lobby is created.
— Increased range for gauss PD.

— Added AI tech election system. (for modders)
— Added option to group teammates closer together in starmap.
— Added Message of the Day to main menu.
— Issue events to all players when a grand menace is eliminated.
— Added band to show player's suitability range in population manager.
— Added end game splash screen for losing The Gathering and Progression Wars senarios.
— Added separate news event for each system when an empire surrenders to another player.
— Added news event indicating what techs have been unlocked.
— Added news event for infrastructure and terraforming completing.
— Added news event for start of Science Mission
— Added clicking on spinning research cube in starmap to open research screen.
Retrieved from "http://sots.rorschach.net/AMoC_Version_1.6.7"

Комментарии: 5
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да чуть не забыл первый нах ))


кул игра, получше всякого тупова трэша! Эй народ, а этот патч влезет на Sword of the Stars - Argos Naval Yard?????????


Freelan Игра то нормальная, да же очень интерсная, особенно ее продолжение SotS 2, просто чтоб в нее играть нужно думать, а не просто тыкать по мышке и клавиатуре.