Starcraft Cheatcodes (English)

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Press [Enter] during game play, type one of the following codes, and press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Faster building and instant upgrades
the gatheringUnlimited psionic ability
power overwhelmingIndestructible buildings and ships
war aint what it used to beRemove fog of war
show me the moneyMinerals and gas increased by 10,000
whats mine is mineMinerals increased by 500
breathe deepVespene gas increased by 500
something for nothingEverything upgraded
food for thoughtIgnore supply limit when building units
Full map
nogluesOpponent has no psionics
modify the phase varianceBuild anything
medieval manFree upgrades to units
there is no cow levelMission skip *
opheliaEnable mission select
terran #Terran mission #
zerg #Zer mission #
protoss #Protoss mission #
staying aliveContinue after mission completed
man over gameWin game
game over manLose game
Free Special Hero
об авторе
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ЕЩЁ ПО ТЕМЕ StarCraft "Фанатская игра-шутер StarCraft: Marine" Вышел бесплатный фанатский шутер по StarCraft Слух: Blizzard выпустит StarCraft на консолях и займется третьей частью
Комментарии: 1

lost serial number where can I get new?