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Divinity: Original Sin 29.06.2014

Divinity: Original Sin: Редактор Сохранений/Save Editor (MooseEdit - alpha26)

Редактор сохранений, позволяющий редактировать как персонажей, так и их инвентарь. Редактор на английском языке, поскольку находится в стадии активной разработки.

  1. Распаковать архив в любое удобное для вас место
  2. Запустить редактор, открыв файл MooseEdit.exe
  3. Выбрать владку Load Save Game
  4. В строке PlayerPrifiles Folder редактор должен автоматически указать путь к нужной папке. Если этого не произошло - нажать на значок папки справа, ЗАЙТИ в папку PlayerPrifiles и нажать кнопку Выбор папки. По умолчанию для Windows 7 это C:/Users/Имя_пользователя/Documents/Larian Studios/Divinity Original Sin/PlayerProfiles.
  5. В строке Game Data Folder - нажать на значок папки справа, ЗАЙТИ в папку Data в папке с установленной игрой и нажать кнопку Выбор папки
  6. Выделить строку необходимого сохранения (игровой профиль/название сохранения)
  7. Нажать кнопку Load
  8. Отредактировать персонажей
  9. Сохранить изменения - нажать кнопку в виде дискеты (вверху слева)
  10. Загрузить в игре измененное сохранение

Аттрибуты, умения, таланты и черты характера редактируются на вкладках аналогичных игровому инвентарю. При наведении на умения и т.д. появляется всплывающая подсказка с описанием (к сожалению тоже на английском).
Для редактирования списка заклинаний нажмите кнопку Skills (посередине слева) Щелчок правой кнопкой на предметах (Edit Item), надетых на персонаже либо лежащих инвентаре, позволяет редактировать эти предметы


The editor will now attempt to extract/parse from both possible icon/portrait paths.


Fixed bug where importing items directly into an equipment slot would sometimes fail Added additional parsing for some fields in the "Dev" tab.


Added experience editor Item affixes in the item tooltip will now match the in-game item affixes


Equipment is now rendered with the correct dye color PermBoosts can now be a number or text: previously all PermBoost values were interpreted as a number. As such, you can now use PermBoosts like "ItemColor" ItemColor is used for dyes and is reflected by the new equipment rendering. The following is a list of available ItemColors: Autunite Burnished Bronze Chalcocite Cobalt Droxlerite Gold Limonite Malachite Mercury Pure Mythril Red Ore Tenebrium Venom Stone Fixed some resource leaks. Item tooltips are now constrained to the current monitor rather than the desktop at large.


Added equipment rendering


Character appearance editor. Equipment is not yet implemented. Use the left/middle (scroll wheel)/right mouse buttons to manipulate the view.


Added item rarity highlighting Made the exit button/'X' button exit immediately Added visual item count Added command line argument parsing for opening .lsb/.pak files Modified item tooltips to no longer be constrained by the main window and instead be constrained by the desktop Fixed issue with reading latest format of .lsb save files Added multiple selection to skill editor


Editor will now work on files saved since the latest patch. Changes: Updated tooltips for talents and traits Fixed issue in reading LSB files Made it more obvious which base item and which item template are selected Expanded level box so that it can be more easily seen on smaller screens Re-ordered traits screen to match in-game ordering of traits


Fixed bug where new skills could not be added if the character skill list was currently empty Added error messages for corrupt playerProfiles.lsb and missing Main.pak file


The settings.ini file is now parsed properly Improved loading speed of saved games (significantly)


Fixed bug where editing a newly created equipped item would fail Added additional mod templates in the item template window Removed editing capability of many areas that should not be editable Game data will now be unloaded properly when switching between different save files Added new moose_settings.ini file to save data/save path information Modified texture resizing to not distort textures when going from small to large Added Unload button Added progress dialogs for loading and saving


Added new "Item Template" editor Fixed issue where character renaming would not work correctly. Fixed editor crash bug when selecting a base item that does not have any icon information defined.


New feature "add item" (!) Finally figured out how to generate Creator handles correctly... Item export now uses fully affixed name instead of base name, for default file name Added unicode support for all paths (someone please verify that this fixes the unicode issues) "Add Item" should work fine but I didn't test it very extensively


Added a new item "import/export" feature. Since the item is exported in LSB format, you can use the Dev tab (this tab wasn't meant for user consumption though and isn't fully implemented yet) or Norbyte's LSB editor if you want to make modifications to the item data before re-importing it. Note that this will fail for any item that has an inventory (e.g., bags). There may be other failure cases too but in general it should work.


Game data processing has been improved and now all icon data is loaded. As a result the initial load time is longer, but loading an individual character tab is faster. Some tooltip improvements. Added editor for level and available attribute points. The "Add Item" feature is essentially done but until I can figure out how to correctly generate "Creator" item handles, it won't be included. As such the "Add Item" function still does nothing in the release version. I'm not sure how these handles are generated but the feature will not function correctly unless this can be determined.


Added "Equipment" tab/editor Skill editor crash fixed Fixed a few UI issues More tooltip improvements


Fixed issue where new game saves would cause item editing to fail Fixed crash on mod/permboost removal Added "Skills" editor: -UI is very rough at the moment and I may completely redo it -Categories might be renamed to match in-game category names


Now has an editor for traits and abilities. No skills editor yet. No "add item" yet. No equipment view yet. Various stability improvements for item editor (less in-game crashes). Now uses RegQueryValueExA instead of RegGetValueA.


I got rid of the registry key message (this appears if you don't have a steam installation and it can't resolve the game data/save folder paths). If anyone knows about registry keys to find the game installation path for a non-steam installation, I can add it. Changes: Fixed several potential crashes Added "Talents" editor Added tooltips for shields Fixed in-game crash that would often occur when changing a weapon/armor/shield's level


icudt52.dll icuin52.dll icuuc52.dll libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll libstdc++-6.dll libwinpthread-1.dll license.txt MooseEdit.exe Qt5Core.dll Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Widgets.dll accessible qtaccessiblewidgets.dll imageformats qdds.dll platforms qwindows.dll


Has better tooltips, and decent resize functionality. Still need to work on resizing but this will suffice for now.




I fixed some various small issues with the previous version. Updated the tooltip display slightly to be more accurate. A new feature has been added: upon selecting a base item, the item template/icon will automatically be resolved if it exists (if no such template exists for this item, it will keep the template as-is). Icon button still does not work and I may remove it in a future release. The "icon" is actually the item template and it is much more important than just the icon. It controls the item type (consumable/equippable/etc), icon, 3d visuals, etc. I also added the missing DLL to the zip.


I broke the mods view in alpha2: you could still see mods but the table did not list the mod bonuses. This has been corrected in alpha3. Also fixed path resolution for save game folder.


I updated it to a new version and fixed the crash bug that I was seeing. I didn't look into the unicode character issue yet so that crash may still exist. Also, the previous release was a debug build and was very large. New version is the release build which is much smaller and a bit faster.


hopefully this includes all necessary DLLs... same URL as before.




I'll upload a new one with the missing DLL, but, if it continues to crash it is probably an issue reading data from the LSB files. The first thing it does is try to enumerate existing saved games to display them. Ever since the patch that added compression to LSB files, I haven't been able to actually see this change, none of my files were compressed, including loading up my game and making a new save. So this could be causing problems. In fact, if anyone has an example of one of these compressed files (or how to make them) that would be useful. (It is reading only the meta.lsb or .lsb at the start, not the globals file). I can't see anything else that might be causing a problem, as that is the only thing it does at the start. I tried downloading it on a different computer that doesn't have the game installed and the GUI does come up after adding the new DLL, and no crash, although the savegame list is blank on this computer. I am not at my development computer presently but if you know you have compressed LSB files and you still want to try the program, you could try temporarily renaming the compressed ones (renaming the meta.lsb and .lsb to any other name) so that the program doesn't find them. Assuming this is the problem, of course.


it is largely incomplete at the moment: the only module which is complete so far is inventory. More to come in time. Some things to be aware of: - I haven't optimized performance yet and the initial load after clicking the "Load" button will be slow; it takes me around 15 seconds to load my save file. - The tooltips are fairly incomplete at the moment and I will be adding/correcting them later. Don't trust them fully yet. (however I made sure weapon damage should be correct) - Many icons are missing... this is on purpose and will be corrected once I revisit the performance - Adding new items is not yet implemented - Right click an item to edit it - The editor makes a backup of your save ("Globals.lsb.bak"). Use this backup if the editor somehow breaks your save file. - The PermBoost category in particular is something I am still figuring out, and while there are values available for selection, not all of them will work, or they may require experimentation in-game. For example, if you want to add dexterity to a weapon, do not use the "Weapon" -> "DexterityBoost" as it does not work; instead, use "Character" -> "Dexterity". - Icon selection does not work yet. - You can still edit items even if there is no icon for them. - Do not modify the "Abilities" PermBoost that appears on every item, it may break your game. - Click the disk icon on the toolbar, on the top-left of the window, to save.

Комментарии: 12
Ваш комментарий

хм. у меня программка не видит файл сохранения((...


Выложили новый редактор. Проверил, работает https://www.mediafire.com/folder/xggb2364417f4/MooseEdit


На версии 1.0.169 стабильно вылетает при открытии сэйва.


StalkerShuha На версии 1.0.169 стабильно все работает


StalkerShuha выполни пункт 5 и будет тебе счастье :)


Квестовые предметы это моды обычных


А можно воскресить НПС викторию с помощью него?


Версия 1.0.169, все работает как часы. Вообще, очень удобный и простой в использовании редактор. Автору спасибо за хорошие инструкции к файлам :)


што за нах я не магу нормально скачать мне не нада редактор каторий весит 3 гига


Стим-версия игры? с последними исправлениями? на сайте разработчика редактора ответили следующее: The Steam update yesterday happened. Assuming Dairymoose intends to update the editor, it will take some time to add support for the new save format and game data structure зы 29 тоже не работает


В смысле "Выделить строку необходимого сохранения (игровой профиль/название сохранения)" как выделить? Что за бред