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ЕЩЁ ПО ТЕМЕ Новая DRM от Capcom вызвало всплеск негативных отзывов в Steam, но моддер попробовал прояснить ситуацию Capcom удалила DRM, блокирующую моды в Resident Evil Revelations, после возникших проблем Capcom добавила в ПК-версию Resident Evil Revelations новую DRM-систему
Комментарии: 1



Charge Shot 1 : The maximum added power of the charge shot is 1.3x the base damage, while the charge up time that is required to reach that point is 0.8 seconds.
Charge Shot 2 : The maximum added power of the charge shot is 1.7x the base damage, while the charge up time that is required to reach that point is 2 seconds.
Charge Shot 3 : The maximum added power of the charge shot is 1.6x the base damage, while the charge up time that is required to reach that point is 1.3 seconds.
Charge Shot 4 : The maximum added power of the charge shot is 2.24x the base damage, while the charge up time that is required to reach that point is 2.8 seconds.

Отсюда следует что урон множится на 1.6 и 3арядка 1.3 сек