Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Коды [Playstation 3]

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All Costumes Unlocked:
Enter SOHNDANN as a code.

Maximum lightsaber throw ranks:
Enter ADEGAN as a code.

All Force powers at maximum:
Enter KATARN as a code.

Maximum Force Push ranks:
Enter EXARKUN as a code.

Maximum Force Repulse ranks:
Enter DATHOMIR as a code.

Amplified lightsaber damage:
Enter LIGHTSABER as a code.

All lightsaber crystals:
Enter HURRIKANE as a code.
Note: Enabling this code will remove all of the lightsaber
related Holocrons on the current saved game file.

All databank entries:
Enter OSSUS as a code.

All talents:
Enter JOCASTA as a code.

All combos:
Enter MOLDYCROW as a code.

New combo: Lightsaber Impale:
Enter BRUTALSTAB as a code.

New combo: Sith Saber Slash:
Enter DARAGON as a code.

New combo: Aerial Assault:
Enter EETHKOTH as a code.

New combo:
Enter FREEDON as a code.

New combo: Saber Sling:
Enter KITFISTO as a code.

New combo: Sith Saber Flurry:
Enter LUMIYA as a code.

New combo:
Enter MARAJADE as a code.

New combo: Lightning Bomb:
Enter MASSASSI as a code.

New combo: Saber Slam:
Enter PLOKOON as a code.

New combo: Lightning Grenade:
Enter RAGNOS as a code.

New combo: Sith Saber Throw:
Enter SAZEN as a code.

New combo: Aerial Ambush:
Enter VENTRESS as a code.

New combo: Aerial Blast:
Enter YADDLE as a code.

Bail Organa:
Enter VICEROY as a code.

Emperor Palpatine:
Enter MASTERMIND as a code.

General Rahm Kota:
Enter MANDALORE as a code.

General Rahm Kota (drunken):
Enter HARDBOILED as a code.

Jedi adventure robe:
Enter HOLOCRON as a code.

Jedi ceremonial robe:
Enter DANTOOINE as a code.

Kashyyk stormtrooper:
Enter TK421GREEN as a code.

Kento's robe:
Enter WOOKIEE as a code.

Enter PROTOTYPE as a code.

Scout stormtrooper:
Enter FERRAL as a code.

Shadow stormtrooper:
Enter BLACKHOLE as a code.

Sith Stalker armor:
Enter KORRIBAN as a code.

Enter TK421WHITE as a code.

Stormtrooper commander:
Enter TK421BLUE as a code.

Mirrored levels:
Enter MINDTRICK as a code.

об авторе
Пользователь пока ничего не написал о себе.
ЕЩЁ ПО ТЕМЕ Исполнитель роли Старкиллера в Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, намекнул на участие в сериале "Асока" На Amazon началась бесплатная раздача Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Слух: Кристиан Бэйл может сыграть Старкиллера из Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Комментарии: 7

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откуда стырил??

Dead Morrozzz

то что надо


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