Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Коды [Xbox 360]

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All Costumes Unlocked:
Enter SOHNDANN as a code.

Maximum lightsaber throw ranks:
Enter ADEGAN as a code.

All Force powers at maximum:
Enter KATARN as a code.

Maximum Force Push ranks:
Enter EXARKUN as a code.

Maximum Force Repulse ranks:
Enter DATHOMIR as a code.

Amplified lightsaber damage:
Enter LIGHTSABER as a code.

All lightsaber crystals:
Enter HURRIKANE as a code. Note: Enabling this code will remove
all of the lightsaber related Holocrons on the current saved game file.

All databank entries:
Enter OSSUS as a code.

All talents:
Enter JOCASTA as a code.

All combos:
Enter MOLDYCROW as a code.

New combo: Lightsaber Impale:
Enter BRUTALSTAB as a code.

New combo: Sith Saber Slash:
Enter DARAGON as a code.

New combo: Aerial Assault:
Enter EETHKOTH as a code.

New combo:
Enter FREEDON as a code.

New combo: Saber Sling:
Enter KITFISTO as a code.

New combo: Sith Saber Flurry:
Enter LUMIYA as a code.

New combo:
Enter MARAJADE as a code.

New combo: Lightning Bomb:
Enter MASSASSI as a code.

New combo: Saber Slam:
Enter PLOKOON as a code.

New combo: Lightning Grenade:
Enter RAGNOS as a code.

New combo: Sith Saber Throw:
Enter SAZEN as a code.

New combo: Aerial Ambush:
Enter VENTRESS as a code.

New combo: Aerial Blast:
Enter YADDLE as a code.

Bail Organa:
Enter VICEROY as a code.

Emperor Palpatine:
Enter MASTERMIND as a code.

General Rahm Kota:
Enter MANDALORE as a code.

General Rahm Kota (drunken):
Enter HARDBOILED as a code.

Jedi adventure robe:
Enter HOLOCRON as a code.

Jedi ceremonial robe:
Enter DANTOOINE as a code.

Kashyyk stormtrooper:
Enter TK421GREEN as a code.

Kento's robe:
Enter WOOKIEE as a code.

Enter PROTOTYPE as a code.

Scout stormtrooper:
Enter FERRAL as a code.

Shadow stormtrooper:
Enter BLACKHOLE as a code.

Sith Stalker armor:
Enter KORRIBAN as a code.

Enter TK421WHITE as a code.

Stormtrooper commander:
Enter TK421BLUE as a code.

Mirrored levels:
Enter MINDTRICK as a code.

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore

Apprentice (75 points) Complete Game - Apprentice difficulty.
Do not change the difficulty after
the game has started.

Sith Warrior (100 points) Complete Game - Sith Warrior difficulty.
Do not change the difficulty after
the game has started.

Sith Lord (100 points) Complete Game - Sith Lord difficulty.
Do not change the difficulty after
the game has started.

Sith Master (100 points) Complete Game - Sith Master difficulty.
Do not change the difficulty after
the game has started.

Pushed (5 points) Defeat 100 enemies with Force Push.

Gripped (5 points) Defeat 100 enemies with Force Grip.

Shocked (5 points) Defeat 100 enemies with Force Lightning.

Repulsed (5 points) Defeat 100 enemies with Force Repulse.

Impaled (5 points) Defeat 100 enemies with Saber Throw.

Stormed (5 points) Defeat 100 enemies with Lightning Shield.

Grappled (15 points) Defeat 100 enemies with a grapple move.

Launched (20 points) Defeat 100 enemies with Aerial Ambush
juggle combos.

PROXY Won't Be Happy
(15 points) Destroy 35 droids.

Rebel Leader (15 points) Defeat 500 Imperials.

Bossk (15 points) Defeat 200 Wookiees on Kashyyyk Prologue.

Bully (15 points) Defeat 25 Ugnaughts or Jawas.

Skilled (5 points) Earn 250,000 Force Points on a single level.

Expert (10 points) Earn 500,000 Force Points on a single level.

Legend (25 points) Earn 600,000 Force Points on a single level.

Frenzy (5 points) Get a Frenzy x4 bonus.

Sith Frenzy (10 points) Get a Frenzy x8 bonus.

Sith Lord Frenzy (15 points) Get a Frenzy x12 bonus.

Holocron Collector (75) Collect all Jedi holocrons in the game.

Corellian Star (10 points) Complete all bonus objectives on one level.

Force Push Mastery (20): Defeat 500 enemies with Force Push.

Force Grip Mastery (20) Defeat 500 enemies with Force Grip.

Force Lightning Mastery (20) Defeat 500 enemies with Force Lightning.

Force Repulse Mastery (20) Defeat 500 enemies with Repulse.

Lightsaber Throw Mastery (20) Defeat 500 enemies with Saber Throw.

Lightning Shield Mastery (20) Defeat 500 enemies with Lightning Shield.

The Bigger They Are (15) Defeat 6 Rancors.

The Harder They Fall (15) Defeat 10 AT-STs or AT-KTs.

Cannon Fodder (15 points) Defeat 150 Stormtroopers.

Sith Trials (20 points) Complete all Training Room challenges
and Combat Modules.

Sith Training (20 points) Complete all Training Room lessons.

Sith Master Difficulty
To unlock the Sith Master difficulty, simply complete the game once.

об авторе
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ЕЩЁ ПО ТЕМЕ Исполнитель роли Старкиллера в Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, намекнул на участие в сериале "Асока" На Amazon началась бесплатная раздача Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Слух: Кристиан Бэйл может сыграть Старкиллера из Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Комментарии: 10

решил добавить вдруг каму нибудь понадобиться


CARNAGE72 а откуда на коробку взял ?


Gearzda из интернета!


а каким числом она на комп выйдет?


MasterSi есть специальные темы вот там спрашивай, а не здесь.




угу хороший вопрос и я те отвечу осенью в октебре или ноябре

gtaшник 525

они и на pc работают только, по русски напишите


ЕЕ спс буду пользоваться )

Wanted 333

SOHNDANN - Все костюмы ADEGAN - Максимальный ранг владение лазерной саблей (метание) KATARN - Максимальный уровень навыков Силы EXARKUN - Максимальный уровень толчка Силой DATHOMIR - Максимальный уровень отражения Силой LIGHTSABER - Максимальные повреждения лазерной саблей HURRIKANE - Все кристаллы к лазерной сабле (активация этого чита приведет к потере всех лазерных сабель, относящихся к Holocrons данной сохраненной игре) OSSUS - Открыть все базы данных JOCASTA - Все таланты MOLDYCROW - Все комбо BRUTALSTAB - Новое комбо: Lightsaber Impale DARAGON - Новое комбо: Sith Saber Slash EETHKOTH - Новое комбо: Aerial Assault FREEDON - Новое комбо KITFISTO - Новое комбо: Saber Sling LUMIYA - Новое комбо: Sith Saber Flurry MARAJADE - Новое комбо MASSASSI - Новое комбо: Lightning Bomb PLOKOON - Новое комбо: Saber Slam RAGNOS - Новое комбо: Lightning Grenade SAZEN - Новое Комбо: Sith Saber Throw VENTRESS - Новое комбо: Aerial Ambush YADDLE - Новое комбо: Aerial Blast VICEROY - Бэйл Органа MASTERMIND - Император Палпатин MANDALORE - Генерал Рам Кота HARDBOILED - Генерал Рам Кота (подвыпивший) HOLOCRON - Приключенческая роба Джедаев DANTOOINE - Церемониальная роба Джедаев TK421GREEN - Kashyyk stormtrooper WOOKIEE - Роба Кенто PROTOTYPE - Proxy FERRAL - Scout stormtrooper BLACKHOLE - Shadow stormtrooper KORRIBAN - Броня ситха-сталкера TK421WHITE - Stormtrooper TK421BLUE - Stormtrooper commander MINDTRICK - Зеркальные уровни