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Devil May Cry 5 "Саундтрек Vergil's Rebirth Sound Selection"

Саундтрек Vergil's Rebirth Sound Selection из Devil May Cry 5

Формат: MP3 (V0)

Список треков:

  1. Devil May Cry 5 SE Titlescreen 1:39
  2. BATTLE-1 (VERGIL) from Devil May Cry 3 SE 3:53
  3. Beowulf Battle 2:57
  4. Let's just see (Devil May Cry 5 SE Edit) 2:55
  5. Devils Never Cry HR/HM Ver. (Devil May Cry 5 SE Edit) 4:02
  6. Enjoy the Taste of Despair! (V Mission Start) 1:54
  7. Crimson Cloud (Game Edit) 5:48
  8. Unbearable Pressure 3:18
  9. Unavoidable Despair 3:30
  10. Unwavering Bravery 2:51
  11. Undeniable Fate 4:14
  12. The Duel 2:55
  13. Wake your fury and wait in hell (Vergil Mission Start) 2:29
  14. Bury the Light (Game Edit) 6:18
  15. Crimson Cloud 4:49
  16. Bury the Light 9:40
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