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Noita 24.09.2019

Noita: Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 03.06.2020] {cfemen}


Regenerate HP:- Восстановить HP

God Mode - Режим бога
-no damage or damage effects - you cant die

Full Health - Полное здоровье 
-Health will be filled at max, you can still die on some special enemys or too much damage

One Hit Kill - Убить быстро
Inf Ammo - Патроны
Inf Mana - Мана
Instant Recharge - Мгновенная перезарядка
Inf. Levitate - Расторопность
Inf Potion - Зелье

Gold Heals - Золото лечит

-activate script and set amount
-gold now heals on pickup
-default heal amount is 5

Gold Pointer - Указатель золото

Ignore Gold - Игнорировать золото

-you can buy anything regardless of your gold amount

Free Perk Roll - Бесплатный перк ролл
-you can roll as often you want the perks in the tempel

Status. Mod
-Give Status - Дать статус

activate and choose a status effect from the list, you can select more than 1
you may have to gain 1 effect first before the custom change gets accepted(e.g touch water, hurt yourself to blood)
status effects that uses a transform will reset the "had a effect" status and you need to trigger it again.
-Remove All Status Effects - Удалить все статусные эффекты
removes every status effect except the choosen ones from Give Status

Debug Flag - Флаг отладки

[HotKey F1]
it activates "edit wands everywhere"
and you have a big list of spells now in inventory
equip spells with doubleclick

Toggle Fog -
as title says [HotKey F3]


Perk Spawn Mod:

copy the Perk Spawn folder into Noita\mods
launch the game and activate the "CFE - Perk Spawner" mod
start a new game and now almost every perk will spawn.

note : if you pickup a perk then ALL perks will disappear!
save the game and load the savegame = all perks will spawn again

or you can use the Return Key - Respawn Perks [Debug] script - press return(2 times) and all perks will respawn at the player position

Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу
2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

Скачать Cheat Engine с нашего сервера Вы сможете здесь

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