Update 1.08 adds an entirely new multiplayer system with multiple enhancements designed to streamline your online gaming experience. This new update will upgrade the game to version 1.08 and is intended for both retail and online-purchased versions of the game.
Update 1.08 includes:
* New and improved multiplayer experience
* Expanded and optimized multiplayer interface
* Online in-game Chat Lobby
* Advanced Firewall Negotiation
* New UDP-based networking framework, "V4P" with lower latency and faster connections.
* Improved balancing for more strategic depth.
* Multiple bug fixes and improved overall stability
Full list:
[Balance Changes]
>> Federals
- Cougar:
DPS: 36 --> 30
- Liberator:
DPS: 32 --> 40
>> Raak-Zun
- Mutant:
Similar increase to Drone Fighter.
Primary mode power increased: ~ 18%
Secondary mode power decreased: ~ 12%
Supply: 2 (6) --> 3 (9)
Nitrium Cost: 100 N --> 150 N
Plutonium Cost: 200 P --> 300 P
Health: 450 --> 600
DPS: 12 --> 17
Splash: 6 --> 8
- Cultist:
DPS: 13 --> 16
- Scavenger:
Nitrium Cost: 150 N --> 250 N
Plutonium Cost: 250 P --> 150 P
- Scavenger Alt mode:
Increased flame dps.
DPS: 10 --> 20
- Incinerator:
Increased range and damage.
DPS: 10 --> 20
Range: +20%
- Spawn Freak:
Decreased cost, increased longevity.
Health: 6,400 --> 7,500
Iberium Cost: 2500 I --> 2000 I
- Spawn:
Increased damage and longevity.
Health: 350 --> 450
DPS: 5 --> 7
>> Sentinel
- Drone Fighter:
Slight increase in power (roughly 20%)
Supply: 4 --> 6
Nitrium Cost: 100 N --> 150 N
Plutonium Cost: 400 P --> 600 P
Health: 600 --> 800
DPS: 33 --> 45
- Gateship:
Slight reduction in power, still most powerful gunship in game.
DPS: 80 --> 60
Splash: 40 --> 30
- Skimmer:
Weakest basic-anti-tank unit, while also being the most expensive.
DPS: 10 --> 15
Splash: 5 --> 7
- Haymaker:
Primary and secondary buffed.
Plasma DPS: 2 --> 9
Toxic Grenade: Rate of fire --> +50%
- Drone Trooper alt:
Shield strength: 4 hits --> 6 hits
- Airblade:
DPS 500 -> 240
- Behemoth:
Alternate mode no longer heals Behemoth.
[Bug fixes]
- Fixed: Quick save & load - totally disabled in mp
- Fixed: supply cap override on client.
- Fixed: text & map clearing in joingame - lobby
- Fixed: Enhancement pod - modes on client
- Fixed: Cursor keys & backspace in Menu.
- Fixed: "has been defeated" messages in the beginning
- Fixed: Transporter - Queued disembarking
- Fixed: Remaining Building - artefacts on ground (client)
- Fixed: Blocked non-building areas after buildings have been destroyed. (client)
- Fixed: flickering in map-listbox in lobby
- Fixed: wrong base attack messages on client
- Fixed: laser damage (striking 3 units in max. again)
- Fixed: div. end of session - crashes
- Fixed: mp-client: Double session - receivings
- Fixed: mp-client: bomber & the like targetting doesnt crash the game
- Fixed: mp-crashes on using the droneships am.
- Fixed: occ. crash in the tunnels map after saving & reloading
- Fixed: Safe skip of intro-videos on codec-issues
- Optimization: Implemented V4P (udp based protocol running several services on via 1 udp-port)
- Added: New, Cleaner & Larger Multiplayer GUI
- Added: SunAge Multiplayer Chat Lobby
- Added: Firewall punchthrough
- Added: Master server up & running
- Added: Support for alt-tab -> game / server continues...
- Added: saving of gamenames
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