There are Vault Symbols hidden all over Pandora. Finding all of them in a certain area will grant you extra Badass Points. They unveil the fact that there's more than one Vault.
DLC Vault Symbols
Images can be clicked on to view larger versions. Be sure to check out the Interactive Maps for the exact locations of each Vault Symbol.
Arid Nexus - BoneyardSymbolLocation
Bloodshot RampartsSymbolLocation

After fighting your way 3/4 of the way through this location the map starts to curve around like a backwards "C". There is a big metal beam that stretches across the opening to this part of the map. Back up a little from this opening and you will see a ramp to your left. The symbol is under the ramp on the wall behind it.
Bloodshot StrongholdSymbolLocation
Just before you get to Roland's location toward the end of the map there is a security room on the second level (there are a bunch of jail cells in this room). You will see a ladder going up to the catwalk above just to the left of the New-U station (save point). Jump from the catwalk onto the red pipes and work your way over to the security room. The symbol is on the wall inside the room.
This symbol can be found during the Splinter Group Optional Mission. Don't jump into the hole right away after talking to one of the guys in the Splinter Group and they buzz you in. Instead look on the wall right next to the hole to find the symbol. If you have already completed this quest, you are able to go back to the area just before jumping into the hole to discover the symbol.
Caustic CavernsSymbolLocation
In a narrow corridor near the top of the ladder leading back to the area entrance from the Southeaster corner; it is opposite the ladder, you have to jump from the top while holding [forward]
Around the back of a stack of blocks, follow the edge of the cliff from the North. Map shows player facing it.
End of the LineSymbolLocation

Find the first complete bridge with a train on it and it is located on the left hand side pillar.
Eridium BlightSymbolLocation

Along the eastern side of a container in the bandit camp in the north of the map, just before Lover's Leap.

At the exit to Hero's Pass, on the south wall of the small bunker outside the gate.

Along the northern wall at ground level in the Eridium Extraction Plant near the center of the map.
Fink's Slaughter HouseSymbolLocation

Behind a large upper level pillar along the southwestern wall. The symbol is on the back of the pillar.
Friendship GulagSymbolLocation

Fight / work your way to the northern most part of the area. You will see a large Hyperion container. The symbol is on the back side of the container.
Frostburn CanyonSymbolLocation

Just south / southeast of the Blisterpus Camp there is a small, narrow cave that goes to the east. Go up the ledge and you will see the symbol on the ground next to a chest.

Right after the Ashworth Camp you will come to a fork in the road with a save point on the left path just as you enter. Don't go left yet, go down the right path and you will see an open room area with a ladder leading down into it. Jump / climb down and walk around the right a little. The symbol is on the wall.
Hero's Pass (2)
In a small nook just around the corner to the left of the shops near the area's beginning.

Second one is near the end of the level. While facing towards the start of the level go under a bridge and you will need to jump across to the second pillar where the vault symbol will be on the up right part.


This symbol is on the roof closest to the cliff. easily gotten by going up stairs, and jumping across the roof.

The second symbol is easiest to get to from above. Turn off the breaker in the shack, go up the elevator, jump on top of the gun chest, and drop down onto the roofs.
Natural Selection Annex (1)
In the arena, the symbol can be found on the ceiling of the decrepit Hyperion supply unit.
Ore Chasm (1)
On the bottom of the elevator. Once at the bottom of the elevator exit to the west side and turn around. You will notice a small switch to send the elevator back to the top. As the elevator moves up, notice the Vault Symbol on the bottom. Once the elevator is at the top hit the switch again and move around to the left side (north) and click on the vault symbol as it decends. You do not have to stand under the elevator, otherwise you will die.

After talking to Scooter, walk under the stairs in his garage and look behind the pile of tires.

Face the store entrance of "Marcus Munitions" and look for a small alley on your left. Go to the end of the alley, turn right, and look behind some boxes and a trash compactor on the left.

This one takes a little to get to. Go to the second floor of the "Crimson Raiders Headquarters" and jump off of the balcony to the right. Keep jumping along the rooftops and make your way to a round "Dahl" sign. Use the vent behind the sign to jump up to the rooftop behind the sign. Next, jump onto the the curved roof by jumping up the notched part of the curved roof (kind of looks like stairs going up the side of the roof). Now do a running jump to the building rooftop across the street that has a round silo-kind of looking part hanging off of its side (not Zed's -- the one with the two-tiered roof). This is a long jump and you are jumping down to the roof below. You will see the symbol tucked down around to the right -- the one with the small boxes -- once on the rooftop.

Find the bench just outside Marcus Munitions, use it to jump onto the roof. Turn and jump onto the roof on the right, go up the mattress and onto the higher roof. Follow this past the jutting out wall until you reach the balcony. Fall down turn left and its there. Please dont try the conveluded way of jumping on some crates its just frustrating. This way its done in seconds.

This is a very small symbol and easy to miss. Walk out of "MoXXXi's Bar" and down the stairs. Immediately to the left on the side of one of the building colums is where this symbol is.
Sanctuary HoleSymbolLocation

Just Look for the "Motel" sign early in the zone, then just walk underneath the stairs on the middle level and the symbol should be hidden there.
Sawtooth CauldronSymbolLocation

To get to this one you have to jump from the top and get to the third steel beam form the botto.

Southern ShelfSymbolLocation

You have to do the optional mission "Shielded Favors" to find this symbol. On the back side of the second floor of the shop you can walk up an angled piece of the building. Jump over to the lift support beam and then jump back to the arched roof of the building. Walk to the backside of the building and drop down onto the balcony.

After fighting your way through the freighter, walk back to where the crane controls are. Look for the toilets and you should see a spot above them that you can jump to. Run and jump across the platforms to work your way around to a larger area that also has a chest.
Southern Shelf BaySymbolLocation

In the southwest corner of the map look for a ship stuck out in the ice. Jump on and work your way to the back side of the ship.

Travel to the northern most building in the area. The building is up on four round posts. Run in between the posts to get to the back of the building and then turn around. The symbol is up on the back side of the building and all you need to do is jump at the vault symbol.
Southpaw Steam & PowerSymbolLocation

Make your way to the upper level and look for a giant fan on the side of the wall with light coming through it. You can see the symbol to the right and up a little from this fan. You will see a turning gear and large steam pipe with a railing in front of it. Jump onto the railing and then do a running jump up to the steam pipe (a little tricky). You only need to jump up to the machinery next to the pipe to get close enough to the symbol.

As you work your way further on through the facility you will see another one of the turning gear tucked in a small side area. Behind the turning gear you can see the symbol up along a angled part of the machinery. Jump onto the gear and quickly jump up to the angled platform.

After finishing off the enemies in the facility you work your way back around to the front where you started. You will see a ladder leading down to the area below. Climb down the ladder and the symbol is just to the left of the ladder.
Terramorphous Peak (2)
Before fighting Terramorphous, go down to just left of the lift to get the first Vault Symbol.
For the second Vault Symbol, there are two different methods of obtaining it. After dropping down to fight Terramorphous, you'll find the second symbol by looking directly up. The hard method to discover this symbol is to have Terramorphous knock you up into the symbol. The easy method is to have another player assist you by jumping into the drop first. Wait three seconds after they land, then jump in after them and spam the jump and use keys while running forward and looking slightly up.
Secondary method:
The Bunker (1)
when you go around the ring, you will come to the mid point, water fall on one side( coming from above) and chest inside a room on the other, look at the chest, go right till there is nothing above you, then looking at the wall to your left, its just behind the plants there
The DustSymbolLocation

In the west / southwest corner of the map is a small camp called Moonshiner's Shack. After defeating the small group of enemies in the camp use the smaller shacks to jump up to the round building with the car on top. The symbol is on the trunk of the car.

In the middle of the map is a large camp called Goose's Roost which is only accessible via a large rock ramp. There is an optional side mission "Too Close for Missiles" that you can activate via a guy standing just outside of Ellie's Garage (kill two birds with one stone). After launching your vehicle off of the ramp to get inside the camp fight your way to the far west side of the camp. There you will see a gyro-copter helopad. Walk around to the back of it and you will see a small spot you can crouch down and crawl under the helopad. The symbol is underneath it in the middle.

Drive the race track, stopping at the bridge. Go up the stairs, head east. Jump from the bridge to the rocks. The symbol is on the back side of the wall.The FridgeSymbolLocation

It is across the street to the northeast from where you fight Lanny and her 7 midgets (walk east and then north from the Three Horns Valley entrance). Look directly across from where the Supplies sign is. You should be able to climb the rocks beside the shed to reach the roof where the symbol is located.

Go directly west from the first vault symbol location. There is a raised platform looking above the frozen lake and bridge with a wooden a wall under it. You can get behind the wooden wall by jumping over some small rocks at lake level. The symbol is on the back of the wall.
The HighlandsSymbolLocation

Head to the Aggregate Acquisition Hyperion facility to the east of the map, just north from where you originally enter The Highlands from The Highlands - Outwash. Make your way through the facility, up the path along the cliffside to the north, and across the bridge heading west which usually has a Constructor waiting at the other end. Once across, turn right, past the small garage and along the side of the building ledge to the corner. On the wall at the corner is the symbol. It can be easily spotted from the town of Overlook on the nearest Hyperion tower.
The Holy SpiritsSymbolLocation

This one is very small and easy to miss. Go to the bathroom just to the right of the bar area and go to the second stall. Look at the posters on the wall to the right and you will see the symbol about half way up right at the edge of the posters.
Thousand CutsSymbolLocation
Three Horns DivideSymbolLocation

Enter the Windbreak Camp area and go to the farthest souteast tip of the camp. Go around to the back of the buildings on the left side and you will see the symbol on the back of one of the shacks.

Head to the western part of Three Horns Divide down by the southern entrance to Three Horns Valley. Follow the road to the broken down billboard on the edge of the road. It is located on the back of the sign towards the top. A few good hops and you've got it.

Travel northeast from the billboard symbol location to the Drydocks (high level bandit area). Fight / work your way to the northern most part of the area. Go up to the second level, walk to the farthest corner you can, and then turn around. The symbol is on the side of the building with the curved roof.
Three Horns ValleySymbolLocation

Go to the Catch-a-Ride that's right outside the Southpaw Steam and Power Fortress. Turn left and run along the outside of the fortress's wall. Jump over the 4 pipes and take a right. The vault symbol is in between the three ammo chests.

Head down to the very south of the map (directly south of the exit to Southpaw Steam and Power). Drive / walk around the pond area on the left side of the water. Keep going to the edge of the map and you will see a small house. Prepare yourself to fight off 2 badass enemies that will come out of the building. Finish them off and the vault symbol will be in the house with some chests.

You cannot access this symbol until you have activated the "Bloodshot Stronghold" storyline mission. After finishing off all enemies head towards the entrance of Bloodshot Stronghold. Turn left right before you cross the bridge to the "Bloodshot Stronghold" and walk along the ice edging. The vault symbol will be on your left, on the back of one of the buildings.
Tundra ExpressSymbolLocation

Climb the ladder which takes you up to the second level of the Varkid Ranch Observatory. Walk around to the opposite side and you will see the symbol on the floor.

Go north from Tiny Tina's workshop to the building right by the fork in the train tracks. The symbol is on the north side of the building.
Vault of the Warrior (1)
once you come to the bottem of the elevator, looking toward the warriors location, look to the right and jump down to the small ledge, its on the left side of the wall there

Wildlife Exploitation PreserveSymbolLocation

OK....this one really sucks to get to and it took a while to figure out where it was and how to get to it. WARNING: You can die really easily trying to get to this symbol by the crane crushing you! In the southwestern corner of the Preserve Dockyard you will see a giant crane that is picking up containers from within a ship and swinging them over to a building at the edge of the water. What you have to do is wait for the crane to start to pick up a container from within the ship and then jump on top of the crane. You have to keep your balance and stay away from the center part of where the crane is holding onto the container (or you will die). The only way I managed to do this is by ever so slightly tapping the analog sticks constantly so as to balance myself on the outer edge while the crane swings over to the building. Jump on top of the building and the symbol is on the back wall on the roof of the building.

There is an upper level road that goes and circles around in the southern part of the area (looks like a sideways question mark on the map). Shortly after fighting / working your way out of the Preserve Dockyard area you will see a small hill and some rocks that will allow you to get up to the road. Follow the road around up to where it almost stops and the symbol is on the ground.
Windshear WasteSymbolLocation

This is the first and easiest vault symbol to find. In Claptrap's Place there is a small storage closet to the right. Open the door and the symbol is on the back wall.
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