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Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific "Real Fleet Boat v.2.0"

Мод меняет гемплей игры, добавляет историчности, изменяет параметры лодок, сенсоров, AI и еще множество изменений.


1. The damage model now includes several warships, modified by LukeFF and Observer, which are as follows:


2. New interior camera mechanics by vickers03. Camera now will tilt based on the fore-and-aft angle of the boat.

3. Reworked texture mapping for the S Class interior by LukeFF.

4. New and reworked texture mapping for the Gato interior (also used by Tambor, Gar, Balao, and Tench classes) by LukeFF and vickers03. Changes include:

-Re-mapped gauge textures.
-Re-mapped hull opening indicator light panel and torpedo launch panel.
-Illuminated map table in conning tower.
-New WCA sonar display textures.

5. New torpedo textures by Captain America.

6. Altered American torpedo malfunctions by LukeFF.

7. Added the CHa-1 subchaser by Nisgeis.

8. New Radar Display by Hitman.

9. New American binocular, TBT and deck gun optics by Hitman.

10. New German binocular optics by Hitman.

11. Darker American attack periscope view by skwas.

12. Adjusted camera positions for various deck guns by LukeFF.

13. Adjusted elevation rates for American deck guns by LukeFF.

14. Starting crew rosters for the Tambor, Gar, Gato, Balao, and Tench class boats now based on USS Icefish roster (June 1944) by LukeFF.

15. Starting crew rosters for the Salmon and Sargo class boats now based on USS Sculpin roster (November 1943) by LukeFF.

16. Machinists now man the control room in all American boats by LukeFF.

17. Crew skills re-worked by LukeFF.

18. Lookout specialization re-named to Quartermaster. In reality, petty officers with the Quartermaster and Signalman ratings drew the duty of 'Quartermaster of the Watch' and were assigned to bridge detail. (Source: The Fleet Type Submarine). In addition, the Signalman rating was absorbed into the Quartermaster rating twice in the post-war era (1948 and 2003).

19. Damage control team slots re-worked. In reality, the damage control parties were staffed mostly by engineering personnel (machinist's mates, electricians, and firemen). (Source: Aboard the Farragut Class Destroyers in World War II). As such, the damage control team slots are set up so the player can transfer the equivalent of one watch rotation from the diesel compartments to man the damage control team.

20. American dive and surface alarm sounds re-worked.



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Комментарии: 2
Ваш комментарий

ПРИВЕТ установил на стимовскую версию 4-ки( REAL FLEET BOAT) ,ПРАВДА через дженерик мод не получилось. закинул файлы прямо в папку Date с заменой файлов. вылетает правда частенько,но работает. а вот с русиком проблема не могу установить. может кто подскажет.


Автор забыл указать, что эта версия мода только под версию игры 1.5 с аддоном U-Boat Missions. Ибо на оригинальную и чистую игру версии 1.4 разработка и поддержка этого мода остановилась на версии 03.1408. Если кому надо, могу выложить версию этого мода под чистую игру версии 1.4.