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Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus 27.10.2017

Игра вылетает с ошибкой "could not write crash dump"

Ошибка обозначает отсутствие API Vulkan для этого приложения, но у меня установлены все драйвера и присутствует Вулкан, облазил весь интернет. Года 2 назад скачивал, всё работало.
- Удалял папку Base
- Устанавливал VulkanRT для Nvidia (многим вроде помогало)


Winsock Initialized
idCommonLocal::Init() time 20: 0.029s
------ Initializing File System ------
Current search path:
- C:/Users/47A8~1/SAVEDG~1/MachineGames/Wolfenstein II The New Colossus/base/
- C:/Games/Wolfenstein II The New Colossus/base/
------ File System initialized.
WARNING: ReadJsonFile: could not read file: packagechunklist.json
Executing build.cfg...
------ Command Line ------
"C:\Games\Wolfenstein II The New Colossus\NewColossus_x64vk.exe"
------ CPU Information ------
1 CPU package, 6 physical cores, 12 logical cores
3394 MHz AMD CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & SSSE3 & SSE41 & SSE42 & AVX & HTT
65536 kB 1st level cache, 524288 kB 2nd level cache, 8388608 kB 3rd level cache
16336 MB System Memory
idCommonLocal::Init() time 30: 0.032s
found dlc id 1 at ../dlc//dlc_1
found dlc id 2 at ../dlc//dlc_2
found dlc id 3 at ../dlc//dlc_3
SearchDLC: found 3 dlcs
idLib::SetProduction( PROD_PRODUCTION )
idCommonLocal::Init() time 40: 0.060s
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
...registered window class
Application Info
App : Wolfenstein II The New Colossus - 1.0.3
Engine : idTech - 6.5.0
Instance Extensions
+ VK_KHR_surface
+ VK_KHR_win32_surface
+ VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
Device Extensions
+ VK_AMD_shader_ballot
+ VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax
+ VK_AMD_gcn_shader
+ VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot
+ VK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float
+ VK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16
DeviceName: Radeon RX 5500 XT
Using device: 0 - 'Radeon RX 5500 XT' because of device type VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_DISCRETE_GPU
Device Extensions
+ VK_KHR_swapchain
+ VK_AMD_shader_ballot
+ VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax
+ VK_AMD_gcn_shader
+ VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot
+ VK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float
+ VK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16

Vulkan Device Info:
Vendor : AMD
GPU : Radeon RX 5500 XT
VRAM : 8176 MiB
Driver : 22.11.2 (008000e9)
VK API : 1.3.217

Initializing Vulkan subsystem
ShowGameWindow: (0, 0) 1280 x 720, full screen
Applying: exec initial_video_low.cfg -s
TIMER: idPhysicalPages::EmptyCache 1 pages took 0.0650 ms
TIMER: idPhysicalPages::EmptyCache 1 pages took 0.0190 ms
TIMER: idPhysicalPages::EmptyCache 1 pages took 0.0190 ms
TIMER: idRenderSystemLocal::Init() took 926.4950 ms
Executing default.cfg for device #0...
Setting up single-player key bindings...
Finished executing default.cfg.
Executing default.cfg for device #1...
Setting up single-player key bindings...
Finished executing default.cfg.
Executing default.cfg for device #2...
Setting up single-player key bindings...
Finished executing default.cfg.
Executing default.cfg for device #3...
Setting up single-player key bindings...
Finished executing default.cfg.
TIMER: idCommonLocal::Init(), input dev init took 45.7250 ms
Unknown command 'build_packageParent'
Unknown command 'build_packageBranch'
TIMER: idSessionLocal::InitForge() took 2.2520 ms
idCommonLocal::Init() time 50: 1.039s
------ Build Information ------
Cheat Mode: OFF
Host Domain Name:
GFX AMD dv:22.11.2 api:1.3.217 'Radeon RX 5500 XT' 8176MiB
Binary Build:
Version: 6.5.0
Target: shippingretail
Name: 20181106-173844-88267_yellow-turquoise
Requestor: user:autocompiler:forge
URL: http://www.forge.ad.machinegames.com/builds/binaries/20181106-173844-88267_yellow-turquoise
Relevant CLs: 030e17b91499e0756e3e58f8b7dffed56323dc1d
Binary Spec: win64-vulkan retail.
Name: 20181107-000045-88267_diamond-pliers
Map Set: Mercury game, Next deliverable, E3 2017 DEMO, Press tour, Retail Package Test, Mercury DLC0, Arkane_Opt
Requestor: user:pipeline:forge
URL: http://www.forge.ad.machinegames.com/builds/packages/20181107-000045-88267_diamond-pliers
Relevant CLs: 230433
idCommonLocal::Init() time 60: 1.039s
Set language to: russian
----- Initializing Decls -----
268 types, 0 declSource in 1 ms
idCommonLocal::Init() time 70: 1.041s
Reading strings/russian.lang as UTF-8
22280 strings read
Initializing class hierarchy

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
idCommonLocal::Init() time 80: 1.190s
NetGetVersionChecksum - checksum : 2786635601
DownloadPlatformTitleStorage: Loaded
0: X
8 channels, 48000 Hz
Default Console Device, Multimedia Device, and Game Device
1: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek(R) Audio)
8 channels, 48000 Hz
2: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek(R) Audio)
8 channels, 44100 Hz
Default Communications Device
Using audio device for voice 2
TIMER: idHavokPhysics::PreInit() took 29.3540 ms
----- Initializing Sound System ------
WARNING: [SOUND] idSoundWwiseIO::LoadSFXPackage: could not open sound pack file sound/soundbanks/pc/patch_4_russian.pack
TIMER: idSoundHardware_WWise::LoadBanks() took 24.5580 ms
[SOUND] 0.68 seconds to load all banks
sound system initialized.
TIMER: idSoundSystemLocal::Init() took 777.0280 ms
---------- ResetPersistHeap ----------
Global heap: Can't HeapWalk() in this configuration
Map heap : GlobalMemoryStatus: 15.95GB dwTotalPhys
GlobalMemoryStatus: 9.24GB dwAvailPhys
GlobalMemoryStatus: 6.71GB used phys
GlobalMemoryStatus: 7.56GB used virtual
0.0 seconds to start load screen video
0.0 seconds to init the hdc
0.0 seconds to prep vts
0.0 seconds to figure out container
Resources skipped by layer tests: 0
0.0 seconds to allocate and defer load 1755 resources, 33 skipped
Load 1788 resources
idResourceStorageDiskStreamer::Init took 0.001s to collect 1744 (44 skipped) resources
Disk streamer stats:
Init took 0.001s to collect 1744 resources:
Forground: 1744 reads, 5.660 MiB (149.099 MiB/s)
Background: 6 reads, 5.871 MiB (141.463 MiB/s), 33 gaps ( 0.144 MiB), 0 file opens
0.1 seconds to preload resources
0 : preload model count
viewDescriptorSetHash: 72ee6a3c5b267a10
------- Initializing renderSystem parm states --------
Start time of bink video bink/boot/boot_pc.bk2 in ms: 2228
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
idFile_Bink::WaitForBufferToComplete stall
0.1 seconds to start load screen video
0.0 seconds to init the hdc
0.0 seconds to prep vts
0.0 seconds to figure out container
Resources skipped by layer tests: 0
0.0 seconds to allocate and defer load 10232 resources, 2314 skipped
Load 12546 resources
idResourceStorageDiskStreamer::Init took 0.007s to collect 10216 (2330 skipped) resources
Disk streamer stats:
Init took 0.007s to collect 10216 resources:
Forground: 10215 reads, 97.699 MiB (1799.257 MiB/s)
Background: 248 reads, 124.875 MiB (254.286 MiB/s), 3037 gaps (26.939 MiB), 0 file opens
2.4 seconds to preload resources
0 : preload model count
WARNING: No address, error: 126
WARNING: No address, error: 126
WARNING: No address, error: 126
WARNING: No address, error: 126
WARNING: No address, error: 126
WARNING: No address, error: 126
? @ 0x000282ad( ) + bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
? @ 0xfffffffe( ) + bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
? @ 0x6d7ef630( ) + bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
? @ 0x01d43fe8( ) + bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
? @ 0x01d43fe8( ) + bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
? @ 0x00000000( ) + bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
FATAL ERROR: CheckCodeResources: Resource error for renderProgResource:computeTAA = container entry defaulted - check that you have latest code and assets
TIMER: idResourceManagerLocal::Init2() took 2435.6321 ms
WARNING: vkAcquireNextImageKHR error (1000001003), recreating swap chain
WARNING: vkQueuePresentKHR error (1000001003), recreating swap chain
WARNING: vkAcquireNextImageKHR error (1000001003), recreating swap chain

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