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The Sims 4 01.09.2014

Патч The Sims 4 Update 1

Дата выхода: 2014 г.
Жанр: Strategy (God Sim / Manage/Busin. / Real-time) / 3D / Virtual pets
Разработчик: Maxis
Издательство: Electronic Arts

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Update 1:
Update: 9/5/14

Bug Fixes / Issues:
It has been brought to our attention that some of our cute and adorable babies have had difficulty expressing themselves without… well… distorting. There was an issue with some integrated chipsets causing the poor little ones to appear in their own “unique” way. We have corrected the problem and pulled everyone back together. Thank you for helping us identify, and track down this issue.

Update: 9/2/14

Severe Issues / Crashes:
Fixed a crash in Build Mode by preventing the game from thinking fences were rooms.
Fixed a crash in Create A Sim that could occur after the you lock and unlock your computer.

Bug Fixes / Issues:
Fixed an issue with “Shine on Men’s Suit”, “Glitter and Abs”, “Big Hat of Shame”, “Star-Spangled Glasses” and the “Tiki Bar”, not remembering their unlocked state upon reload.
Fixed several issues with Sims attempting to go on dates with the Reaper, resulting in non-responsive game states.The Reaper still loves ya baby, he is just too busy to go on a date with every lovelorn Sim that vies for his attention.
Fixed several issues where babies were incorrectly hibernating within household inventories resulting in several issues:
You can now exit Build Mode when not on your home lot if a baby was incorrectly left in the home lot inventory.
Game no longer hangs if you attempt to split a household with a baby on the lot and in the household inventory.
Splitting and merging households no longer results in unplayable households due to babies being left in household inventories.
Babies are no longer left locked in the household inventory if all the other Sims in the household die.
Babies no longer multiply if left in the Household Inventory while editing the lot via Manage Worlds.
Fixed an issue where Gallery households that have been merged with another household were preventing Live Mode from loading.
Adding a new Sim to a played household via Create A Sim by going from Manage Worlds will now allow you to modify their face and body.
Lots with scaled objects (via the shift + [,] cheat) that are shared to the Gallery will now remember their enlarged state for others to enjoy.

Gallery Issues:
Fixed an issue where the game would become non-responsive when attempting to save a lot to the your library.

Комментарии: 12
Ваш комментарий

Поставил на пиратку, поверх таблетки от 3D, потерялся файл par. => игра перестала запускаться.


Единственный способ сейчас-это сохраняться почаще.


А на пиратку патч можно поставить?


ArrO А разве есть пиратка? Дайте ссылку пожайлусто... а то лиц.сразу покупать как-то не охото


лучше скачивать 2 мод он уже вышел)


PachokRU слетело всё нахрен.Полдня её ставил,но при переходе на другие локации,всё вылетает.


Nickell_Sedih Открой файл .par блокнотом и удали оттуда всё. После этого у меня всё ок стало.


такс ждем ещё недельку пускай пропатчат потом приобретем)


То же, что и у ArrO. Ради фикса цензуры сначала менял название .par-файла на The.Sims.4.Launcher.par — думал, может в этом проблема. Переименовал обратно в TS4.par — опять вышеупомянутая ошибка. Короче, новый репак качать придётся.


друзья, можно ли в этих симсах женить друг на друге симов которых ты создал???


Леша Волосков Да, можешь в гости к другому симу зайти и начать развивать отношения.


погодите вы с модами,там не так моды как загружаемый контент который входит всего лишь в незаконченную версию игры стоимостью в (1999/1799р)