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Rage 18.11.2010

Rage "Rebalance mod Ultimate - глобальная модификация с уклоном в Survival (выживание)"

Ребаланс механик Rage, в первую очередь для высоких сложностей, так как разработчики изначально не уделили мотивации игрока для выживания достаточно внимания, из-за чего множество вещей в игре остается не востребованым - вы с легкостью можете пойти на миссию и врукопашную забить все и вся насмерть. Это не правильно, теперь не будет Рембо-стиля прохождения, где патроны льются рекой, а только тактика и умный геймплей с использованием имеющихся ресурсов. Этот мод был разработан на ультра-хардкорной сложности с отключенным авто-восстанлением здоровья и автор указывает что игра может быть пройдена от и до на любой сложности (мод изменяет баланс и делает другие правки на всех сложностях, но в первую очередь он предназначен для последней сложности). Здесь выложена полная версия мода с картами, а без дополнительных карт в сюжетной кампании данный мод занимает 120 Мбайт (ниже есть ссылка на источник - там найдете обе версии). Установка (описание от автора мода id.Dav): извлечь содержимое архива в папку с игрой (для Steam-версии это выглядит так: ...steam/steamapps/common/Rage) и подтвердите замену файлов. Затем через стим осуществите запуск "Play Rage 64-bit with Mods (unsupported)". Небольшая рекомендация от автора мода: Когда вы попадаете в город и сильно повреждены, и не можете восстановить себе жизнь, то есть способ включить автоматическое восстановление здоровья в любое время - нажмите кнопку [~] (тильда) чтобы открыть консоль и введите g_playerhealthpersecond 1 чтобы включить регенерацию, и введите g_playerhealthpersecond 0 чтобы ее выключить Частичный список основных изменений: Здоровье не восстанавливается само по себе Добавляет 3 новых уровня - все они из дополнения и могут быть доступны в Wellspring. Корректировка повреждений: многие виды оружия наносят теперь меньше урона Правка брони: апгрейды теперь дают больше защиты и другое Анимация и скрипты: добавлена пред-боевая анимация врагам, исправлены некоторые стартовые позиции врагов, добавлены эффекты взаимодействия с окружающими предметами на локациях (при стрельбе по некоторым трубам можно увидеть струящуюся воду и другое). Графика: немного новых текстур и в некоторых местах улучшение освещения, оптимизирован размер мегатекстур, добавлен приятный эффект пост-процессинга. ...и многое другое. Полный список в архиве - в файле readme.txt (а также в моем первом комментарии под темой)

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Обе версии мода можно найти здесь: moddb. com/mods/rebalance-mod-ultimate/downloads (уберите лишний пробел) Список изменений (что мод меняет в оригинальной игре) на английском:


Mod features: Damage -all weapon damage has been decreased exept for pulse cannon, rocketlauncher, mind control bolts, RC-cars, grenades, explosive bolts, railgun, sniper rifle. -pistol with standart rounds now the weakest weapon, but still throughtout the game player collects a lot of pistol bullets, so it will help player anyway (headshots are wellcome). -fatboys does less damage, but headshots still very effective. -fatmammas still very powerfull, but not as powerfull as in vanilla game. -standart buckshots is still very effective in close combat, but will require more shots (headshots are wellcome).. -to keep fun, clip size for standart buckshots have been increased to 12, fatboys to 8. Buy count is also increased to 12 and 8. -feltrite rounds still very effective against armored enemies, however standart rounds are not, so keeping feltrite ammunition is really important. -rebar ammo damage decreased so it will take 2 shots to kill non armored human enemies, it was done to prevent rebar from being an unlimmited ammo, shoot 2, pick up 1 (headshots are wellcome). -all player meely damage has been significantly decreased, so don't bet on it that much. -sentrybot now serves more as a support, unlike vanilla where one sentrybot could complete sewer mission without player's help. So player now motivated for upgrading sentrybots, sentryturrets, wingsticks. -vehicle and racing part hasn't been changed. However on ultra-nightmare both wasteland and optional racing are more challenging. Economy -mostly changing sell/buy prices on different ammo types, ingredients, schematics, upgrades. Some increased, some decreased. -junk sell price decreased as well as feltrite price, so player need to scaveng every possible area to survive. -player now highly motivated to play mini-games, complete side quests to constantly refill his funds. But also be smart on spending cash. Player can't have everything, but it's still possible if you are skilled enough and smart;) -remember that ultra-nightmare difficulty have higher prices for some resources. Other -apothis infusion now gives more health -armor upgrade gives more protection -defib charge time slightly decreased -bandages restore 120 health Since mod was designed for classic manual healing, that changes does make sense. -Enhanced particles like body explode, head explode, flesh, metall, ground, glass, wood, cloth, clipboard impacts. New content -3 single player levels "Wellspring underground", "Unknown", "Survival". Integrated into main Rage campaign in the form of an expansion, but it's optional. Changes in version 2.0: -New menu screen background. -New icon for bandages. -Advanced sentry turret/bot fire rate increased. -Bandages cool down period removed, use as quick as you want. -Some ingredients ultra-nightmare price decreased. -Now in wellspring a message pops up offering job for custom level (if you are using wellspring savegame from 1.3 then message won't pop up) Wellspring Underground custom level changes: -Added new areas to explore (enemies, items, lots of stamping included) -New textures and stamps. -New loading screen. -Removed environmental area effects (aka color correction) so no need to use r_skipglare 1 anymore. -Added additionall details to the map, increased texture detail of numerous objects, improved lighting in some parts. -Updated foliage, now it has a proper color and brightness. -Overall improvements wich add cool elements like shooting some pipes will emmit water leaks or steam bursts, mud surfase now have sludgy effect when walking on it, flowing water streams, fixed some textures layout, decreased volume of some ambient sound. -Added huge ranged mutant. -Added 2 more hidden feltrite crystals. -Fixed some enemies spawn order. -Added map's own mission objective and description. Changes in ultimate version: Global: -Crosshair is now just a dot. -Settlers assaultrifle and railgun damage slightly increased. -Railgun accuracy when firing from the hip is set to 100%, so shoot just like old times!) -Added russian localisation for custom maps. Добавлена русская локализация для новых уровней. Wellspring underground (remastered) changes: -Heavily rewoked starting area, more metall-less concrete, wich gives it a more wellspringy look. -Added settler to starting area to make it more releated to wellspring. -Gameplay is now more directed, some doors require keys now. -Added pre-combat animations to enemies, so they are not just standing there and waiting for player. This also gives opportunities for some stealth approach. -Added new area to explore. -Optimised megatexture size, added more details, added sweet post-process effect, various visual improvements including fixing numerous shadowmap glitches on cylindric shapes, fixed every possible texture strech issue, fixed flies particles-now there's flies instead of squares, map rebaked with beautiful shadow maps. -Now you actually have to kill all the muties to complete the job. -After job is done you can either procced with custom content or leave and do other stuff. You can return at any time and as many times as you want. But of course there won't be any job to do anymore, just looking for missed loot or going further with custom content. -Job details updated with reward info. New map called "Unknown": -This map connects Wellspring underground with survival arena. -Has both indoor and outdoor locations. -Has more of creepy atmospheric feel and surves primarily as transition between two maps, but it has playable content as well. Survival arena changes: -Not standalone, but part of expansion now. -Added some balancing. -Some enemie bodies now lootable, those wich are not will dissapear istantly. -Can be accessed and fully replayed infinitly just like Mutant Bash TV. -Some visual improvements. -Job details updated with reward info. So the custom maps progress now looks like this: Wellspring > Wellspring underground > Unknown > Survival > Wellspring -Note that you can still preview maps by loading from mod menu, but will not be fully playable. -For full experience custom content must be accessed during Rage campaign through Wellspring. You can also use savegame of previous version made outside of Wellspring and not within any of the custom maps...only saves within original game. Special thanks to Dheu for his Rage tool kit dev notes!!! Menu screen background based on the original concept art by Stephan Martiniere. Loading screens for Wellspring underground and Survival are partly using official concept arts. Special thanks to id for supporting pc community and creating true art;) Sorry for my english and have a nice game;)


В игре настолько упоротые анимации, графика и сюжет, что больно смотреть. Я не про мод говорю, а про саму игру, т.к. я прошла и скажу, что игра минимум на 3- тянет. Джон Кармак тут вот меня разочаровал:(
