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Soldner: Secret Wars 27.05.2004
6.7 40 оценок

Soldner Secret Wars v28446

Патч от Wing Simulations для игры Soldner Secret Wars.

- improved network performance for vehicles
- single player: fixed error in political system, which spawned only us units as enemies
- adjusted the 3rd person camera for all vehicles
- loading times have been decreased
- redesign of the player list/score table
- mapload time when joining a server decreased, ie. disconnect wait time reduced
- fixed the client and server crash
- anti cheat "WACHE v2" has been activated, Wache stands for Wings Anti Cheat
- added selectable actions on detecting user with modified data (mod or cheats)
- no accounting for players with modified data (TKs, money, points etc.)
- fixed incorrect lighting on soldier-models if NightVision is activated

- WACHE v2 activated:
* detection of players with modified weapons, vehicles or soldiers
* various server-controlled actions on cheat-detection via web-interface
- added different color-formatting to killmessages
- no money bonus after healing yourself with the medi-kit
- fixed terminal in 'Finding Lenin' map, both teams are now able to buy Tanks
- messages sent by the server are now localized depending on client's language
- fixed list-selection in vote-menu
- disabled text colorization abuse
- C4 Bombing Kit price increased and vanishing time decreased to 5 minutes
- Time Limit of all game modes have been set to a default value

- increased maximum possible flight height
- changed 3rd person camera for jets
- HUD extensions for jets and helis are hidden in 3rd person mode
- fixed glitches in cannon camera for some helis/jets
- extended HUD functionality for jets/helis
- fixed impact on terrain for vehicle and damage calculation
- improved physics calculation, new driving-physics implementation for all vehicles
- physical properties for vehicles adjusted to new system
- colliding jets/helis will now be both destroyed

- known commander mode crash fixed
- added toggle for fullscreen/windowed playermap
- fixed icon display for user sitting in a vehicle
- fixed a server-crash during activated CommanderMode
- you can now chat in Commander Mode
- Bots can use vehicle-weapons properly
- fixed display of request-icons outside the visible map-area
- changed color and description of exit-button in team-equip menu
- added player map option for the commander, press 'k' to open normal player map, 'm' for commander-mode
- new player-icons for map
- Commander is able to store team member selections on keys
- Player Map: Player Names can now be shown optionally
- Commander is able to store his satellite view positions on keys
- Your position on the playermap has now an arrow with your view direction
- Commander: Added User Interface for teamcash requests

- new animations for idle-animations for different weapons
- rotation mismatch fixed after wall-climbing
- after leaving a vehicle, the look direction of the player won't flip randomly
- fixed multiple collision issues with soldier (hang-sliding in free-fall animation etc.)
- reduced animation effects on camera in 1st person view

- reduced sound-volume and distance of distant rifle effects
- fixed a 'no-particle-effects' bug if you fired weapons on a close target
- several sound fx adjustments as volume and distance settings

- task-switch fix during loading screen
- mouse sensitivity settings has been adjusted/increased
- added 'Restore Defaults' to controller settings
- added 'Air Brake' to flight-controller
- replaced 'Alternate Fire' with 'Look' in flight-controller menu
- System Messages are now being displayed in yellow
- font-size of console text can be set in user.ini (Console.FOnt.Size = x)
- teamscreen play-buttons are now disabled until server responded to prevent multiple re-spawns
- added '/tell' command to send a private chat message to a player, these are displayed in green, /clantell is under consideration too
- player name is now limited to 24 characters to prevent abuse in LAN games
- optimized connection procedure, netcode improvements
- improved packet-loss handling and reduced bandwith consumption
- Multiplayer mode Hostage Rescue was changed to better manage players who kill hostages
- we removed blue and red as colors for names so people dont mix them up with teams

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